The Rebel, Part Two

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It wouldn't be long before Zarya had finally reached Drake City. It was a rather stormy day, as the rain falling down quite heavily and the thunder was as loud as the roar of a tiger foz. This kept the usual hustle and bustle down a little bit, though not by a large margin.

Zarya was pretty amazed, for all sorts of creatures, along with humans, were seemingly living together in harmony. She couldn't recall ever seeing ogres, elves, and so on in her village, so this was all new to her. However, this wasn't the time to get lost in amazement; she knew she had to seek shelter somewhere, especially from the annoying rain. She then saw what appeared to be a subway station. She figured that was a start, so there she went. Upon entering, this strange subway train started going down, as if like an elevator.

Upon reaching the designated area, everyone exited and Zarya couldn't believe her eyes. An underground city? Awesome! As she entered this...Undercity, she inspected her surroundings. There seemed to be rough characters around, she she had to look the part as well. She pulled her hoodie down, not wanting to be noticed.

Suddenly, the Zarya heard a small noise coming from a trash can, causing her to back up and gasp. With curiosity getting the better of her, she decided to investigate. With a little hesitation, she opened the trash can, only to reveal a little white foz. The poor thing looked like he hadn't eaten in days. Upon seeing her, the foz seemed to be very timid, quivering out of fear. Out of sympathy, Zarya reached into her bag and pulled out a few crackers.

"Hey there little guy." She held the crackers a little closer to the foz, being careful not to startle it. "Want a bite? It's not much but I think you'll need it more than me."

The little foz sniffed the crackers first just to be sure they're safe to eat. Once that was done, it consumed the crackers like it was his last meal, chirping with glee, making the young rebel chuckle a bit. The foz then started licking her hand out of appreciation, even allowing her to pet him a bit.

"Friendly little guy, huh? Tell you what, why don't you stick with me? Honestly, I could use a little company."

All too happy to accept that offer, the foz climbed up on Zarya's shoulder, to which it preceded to nuzzle her face. She nuzzled the little guy back, scratching underneath his chin as well, which it enjoyed. It appeared she already made a friend here in the Undercity, their bond already being quite strong.

"Guess I'll have to name you now huh?" Zarya thought pretty hard about a name; she never had a pet before, much less an opportunity to name one. Suddenly this name popped into mind. "How about Choko?" The foz seemed to chirp and purr with delight, he seemed to like that name a fair bit. "Choko it is!"

Having made her first friend in the Undercity, perhaps things were looking up for the Purple Haired Girl after all. All that was left was a place to sleep. She found an old cardboard box that was discarded near the trash cans. She thought this would be okay. After all, she had worse sleeping conditions under Kaos's tyranny. So she and Choko decide to shelter in said box, falling asleep almost instantly.


Day time had already come in Drake City, the sun shining rather brightly. In the Undercity, however, one almost couldn't tell the difference between night and day, as no sunlight could reach it. Zarya was still sleeping soundly, as was little Choko, snoring every waking moment. Suddenly, she was awakened by people running in the street, screaming "He's coming!", and other such words. People were hiding in the trash cans, locking their doors, some of the markets closed almost instantly. Zarya and Choko could not figure out was the fuss was about. That's when they noticed three shady figures roaming about.

Zarya hid behind a trash can, Choko along with her, peeking their heads ever so slightly to see what's going on. They seemed to be snakes that walked like men on two legs. Two of them being large and muscular, bearing heads like anacondas, and standing about eight feet tall. The other one was about six foot one and had the head of a viper, who was with a long black stripe running from down his head, down to a six foot long tail. All of them wore fancy suits, though the Viper was wearing a top hat to go along with the rest of his attire, holding a cane with him as well. His eyes were quite haunting, red with gold irises.

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