Chapter Four

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C h a p t e r F o u r

Lynette's daily routine had returned back to normal in the days after her agreement with Thomas, surprisingly trouble seemed to have ceased in Small Heath as there were no more sightings of police officers and a lack of fights in The Garrison. Harry and Grace were both oblivious to the meeting she had with Tommy on the night of the bonfire, and she intended to keep it that way.

She had become much more acquainted to Grace in those few days, they often covered for one another when they had errands to run. They took it in turns to open the pub in the morning, as they agreed that Harry's wife deserved help with the kids at the start of the day. Today, it was Grace's turn to open which meant that Lynette could take her time walking to work.

As she approached The Garrison, the redhead discarded her cigarette onto the mud outside only to discover that the front doors were locked. "Grace?" she called with a frown.

Lynette made her way around the building towards the side entrance after she received no response. On arrival, she noticed Tommy and Grace stood at the doorway in conversation. She was pleasantly surprised by the sight of the stunning white horse that stood at Tommy's side, the reins held in his hand.

"Morning," she greeted the pair. "Sorry the front doors were locked."

Lynette attempted to pass Grace into the pub, knowing that she would have to open the main doors before the few punters that would arrive for their very early drink became rowdy. Tommy's voice stopped her before she stepped over the threshold.

"Actually, I needed to talk to you."

Lynette nodded to him, looking over at Grace who seemed to take the hint as she looked between the two. "Sorry Lynn, I'll get the doors opened."

Grace disappeared inside leaving them at the doorway to talk. The redhead's attention turned to the horse beside her as it made chuffing noises. Lynette clicked her tongue affectionally as she ran a hand down the nose of the horse, before she turned to look at Tommy, the corner of her lip turned up into a playful smile.

"Isn't a creature like this too beautiful to fit into a place like this?"

Tommy nodded at her as he admired the horse. "He'll fit in perfectly when we get him onto the race track. He's the new addition to the Shelby runners."

"So what did you want to talk 'bout?" Lynette asked as she forced herself to look away from the horse and to the man she now technically worked for.

"I have your first job for you," he announced as he began to mount his newest race horse. "Its a good thing you like horses, I want to take you to the races. Look out a nice dress."

The Scots woman was forced to tilt her head to look up at him due to his new advantage in height, a smirk on her painted lips as she stroked the nose of the horse one last time. "Already have one in mind," she told him.

The man faintly returned the smile to her surprise. She was tempted to joke about seeing his smile in public, but though against the idea, instead stepping backwards to allow the man to take off. He looked far less threatening when he smiled, she could understand why he didn't do it often when people he were around that he didn't trust.

She watched as he expertly rode the horse through the streets. It was only when he disappeared around the corner that she stepped backwards into the side entrance, closing the door behind her as she made her way into the main area of the bar.

She noticed Grace was now stood behind the bar, using the tabs to pour pints for the few men who now sat scattered across the pub. She pretended not to feel the piercing gaze of her colleague as she joined her behind the counter, shrugging off her jacket to tuck it away underneath.

Red On Her Hands | Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now