Chapter Thirteen

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C h a p t e r T h i r t e e n

Many people believed that Lynette Reid was too strong minded to be with someone like Thomas Shelby. She was well known in the community due to being located in The Garrison almost every night. Her Scottish accent - as well as her auburn hair - made it hard to miss her in the streets, and she had developed her own reputation amongst the people of Small Heath. Respect her and she will respect you.

No one in the area had anything against the redhead, but they had seen that she was not afraid to tell off those who she didn't agree with. Because of this, many had assumed that her relationship with the Shelby man would not last long. Lynette took pleasure in seeing the surprise on people's faces any time she exited Tommy's home or vice versa. She liked being able to prove the nosy lot wrong, and show that she could not be judged so easily.

Her time with Tommy seemed to be going too perfect, it made her more anxious as she anticipated that eventually something would go wrong. As December came upon them, she knew that they could not avoid what was to come.

Immediately upon wakening, she could feel the nervous pit in her stomach as she remembered that today was the third day of the month. She lay there for a while, her worried thoughts clouding her mind as she stared absentmindedly at the window. She worried about how many could possibly die, their advantage in numbers should have comforted her but it didn't.

She was brought out of her thoughts as a pair of strong arms wrapped around her from behind, her frown was replaced with a smile as she felt Tommy begin to press open kisses on her shoulder blade. She turned around to look at him, his strong arms tightening as he pulled her closer to lay beside him.

"How long have you been awake?" He questioned under his breath.

"A while," she answered truthfully.

"Today is the day."

"That's why I'm awake."

Tommy leaned forward to peak her lips again before he got up to get ready. She could tell that he had been anticipating for this day to come, the day that Shelby Brothers Limited would take out Kimber and equal out with their competitors in the Bookmakers business. "Everything will be fine," he assured her as he grabbed his underwear.

Lynette remained in Tommy's bed, watching him with a frown. "You can't guarantee that. It's the Worcester Races, you don't know if Kimber could already suspect that his security is corrupt. And god knows if his remaining men have any weapons of their own."

"Lynn," Tommy began as he continued to get dressed. "I have the Blinders and all of the Lee Gang. Kimber has been very happy with his profits since his new assignment of security, he doesn't suspect a thing. He thinks the deal still stands for a year."

"Well then I have a deal of my own," she proposed while sitting up so her back leaned against the headboard of the bed. "You break that pig's nose for me and I'll forgive you for having Arthur send me home from work early last night."

Tommy - who now had his trousers and undershirt on - approached the bed so he could lean over the woman with a smirk. She reached a hand up to tease the back of his neck with her nails.

"Technically, you also work for me."

"Technically," she repeated mockingly with a smile. "I'm not contracted for what we were doing last night."

A breathy laugh escaped through Tommy's nose as he leaned closer to brush his lips against her's once again. The kiss continued for a few moments before he pulled away in a purposely slow manner to tease her. She noticed the wicked grin on his face as he stared down at her.

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