Chapter 1

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"Your fight skills are not improving! Do you even listen to me?!"

The tall man shouts in front of you but you keep quiet.

"Listen to me or I will take the syringe out again!" he shouts again. "Understand me?"

You keep quiet while staring at the chains around your hands. A normal 5 year old girl would be playing with dolls. But here are you, chained and locked but by these people, taken away from the only family you had once...

"You asked for it!" you flinch when you notice you made a huge mistake.

"I'm s-sorry.." you say in a quiet voice while stumbling backwards.

The tall man starts to laugh. "To late little girl. And don't you dare to change your eye color! You can't fight me!"

The last thing you saw was the syringe filled with weird liquid coming towards you.

And not long after that, the terrible feeling you feel every day in your neck.


"Hey guys!"

You flinch from Jisoo's voice while waking up. 'Those flashbacks are getting really annoying.' You think by yourself while stretching.

Jisoo smiles brightly while sitting next to Jennie. But her face expression turn worried when she sees your tired face. "Are you okay Soojin?"

"Yes yes, don't worry. I just slept bad last day.." You say as an excuse.

"You should go the sleep at 4AM for once. It won't hurt you." Jennie says while laughing.

"Very funny, but sharing a room with Lisa makes it difficult to sleep. She snores." You whisper to Jennie.

Lisa gives you a punch on your arm. "YA! I heard that! I'm not the only one that snores." You start laughing but before you could complain any further, Jisoo quickly changes the subject.

"Guys, what are we going to do this evening?"

Jennie raises her shoulders casually. "I don't know yet but definitely not staying into school like those kids."

She points at a few students who pass by. They quickly leaves with fear in their eyes.

You are bad girls in this school. And that with a reason. If you are weak, you will get pushed down.

"Why wouldn't we go out to the new club in town? It's Friday so we can stay until sunrise." Lisa suggest.

Normally every student sleeps at school. Everybody had their own room to share with another student.

Talking about students, they are not humans but monsters. All different types. There are witches, werewolves, elves or vampires like you guys are.

Well actually, you don't see you self as a vampire because you don't have beautiful dark red eyes like them...

While the others are hyped about the plans for tonight, you interrupt quietly with a little fear for Lisa's reaction.

"I think I have a little problem then.."

*Just wanna say: I'm so sorry for my broken English. Like you see, English is not my first language. But I try my best and I really hope you will like the story! Xxx

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