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somewhere in
los angeles, cali !

"hey nana, is mom home?" trinity tried to remain calm. she knew her mom was home, but she was afraid to talk to her mom due to fear of rejection and being kicked out. nana was easier to talk to and gave good advice, but then again nana did voice her opinion one hundred percent.

"yeah, she's upstairs actually. something musy be wrong because you never call me first," nana could read her grandchild like a book.

"well yeah," trinity took a deep breath.

"well get on na'," nana grew impatient.

"i'm pregnant nana," she could feel herself began to tear up, but when brandon squeezed her hand, she sent returned the squeeze and gave him a look of reassurance.

the line was silent for a moment, which was nerve wrecking. "oh, dear," nana sighed out. she smacked a couple times, figuring out what to say.


"i'm still here trinity and i'm not mad," nana told her. weight was lifted off her shoulders, but trinity still felt really low. "and what are you supposed to tell your mom?"

"i don't even know nana. you know how she is and i don't want to lose her again," trinity sighed. stress, stress on top of more stress. it wasn't good for her mental helath, nor was it good for her baby's health.

"usually i would yell at you, but i know what it's like," nana admitted. "when your mother had you, i didn't want her to keep you at first. she wasn't my child, but i knew her well enough to know she would struggle to take care of you. and she proved me wrong. i sugguest you call your mom and tell her before it's too late trinity,"

trinity nodded even though she couldn't see her, "i will. thank you nana," they said their i love you's and trinity was the first to hang up.

"what'd she say?" brandon wondered.

"she isn't mad but i need to tell my mom as soon as possible," she expected it.

brandon rubbed her back. it was seven a.m and they were in bed. after the drive back home they got into bed and decided to talk all night until four a.m. survivng off of three hours of sleep was tough, but it was needed.

"the appointment is at ten, just call her now and tell her," brandon was anxious mostly because her mom seemed like the badass who didn't give a fuck unless it benefited it their family, but he also knew there was no way she had the cold heart to disown trinity. "trust me on this,"

and so trinity did. she dialed the number and heard it ring a minimum of two times before she heard her mother's voice.

"hey baby," her mother seemed happy.

"hey mommy," her voice was shakey. "how is new york with me?" she questiomed, easing up her mother's mood for a minute.

"amazing! the house is clean, all these goddamn dishes stay clean, you don't bug me for money or a ride some where. but i definitely do miss my baby," trinity's jaw dropped.

"i know you did not just diss me like that," she giggled into the phone.

"i said i miss you girl! what more do you want?" her mom returned the laugh.

what more could she want? not to flip out about her daughter getting pregnant, ome thing she promised she wouldn't do.

"actually, i need to tell you something," trinity sat up against the headboard, wedging the phone between her shoulder and her ear so she could play with her fingertips.

"go ahead,"

her eyes shifted to brandon who stared back at her with his pretty eyes. she knew how much it meant for him to be accpeted by her mom amd now that they are going to have a baby, it meant more times ten.

"i'm pregnant momma,"

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