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some where in
los angeles, ca !

"i'm so nervous," trinity squeezed
brandon's hand as they sat in
the doctors office. they were the
only ones besides the two women
who were already taken back.

"nervous about what? we get to
make sure our baby is doing
okay, make sure you're gonna'
be okay," he returned the squeeze.

trinity shrugged, "i guess it's the thought of actually having to see the little bean inside of me," she never thought she would be pregnant so
soon, but she needed to start thinking positive about the whole thing.

"trinity knowles,"

they both stood up, making there way towards the african american lady with the clipboard. she had a welcoming smile on her face.

"go right ahead to room four," she pointed towards tge end of the hall, allowing the couple to go first.

as soon as they entered the room, trinity took a seat on thr bed and brandon took the regular seat.

"okay," the nurse closed the door and then pumped a couple squirts of sanitizer on her hands. "your here to see if you are actually pregnant as well as check your health?"

"yes ma'am," trinity nodded.

"your height, weight and everything was checked already correct,"

trinity nodded.

"and are you dad of the possible baby?" she turned to brandon who was looking at the posters of babies
and diagrams of a womans body.

"mhm," he nodded his head, suddenly to scared to speak.

"perfect," the nurse kyra smiled. "your sample came in and we got the results the next day," she pulles out a stack of papers. "cangrats on your first baby!" it was like ripping a band-aid.

"holy shit," brandon jumped up from the chair and instantly captured trinity in a hug. it wasn't soon after he could hear her sobs.

it was different way different than whwn taking a pregnancy test. now she ome hundred percent knew she was pregnant and it was one hundred percent real.

"why are you crying baby?" brandon questioned. he pulled away to see her face all red and wet with her tears.

"i don't know," she chuckled, wiping her face and patting the spot so he could sit next to her.

the nurse smiled at the heart warming moment, "i'm going to step out and set up a different room for the ultra-sound and that's where i will tell you how far long you are and a littlr bit more about pregnancies," she gave them a smile and stepped out, closing the door behind her.

trinity sighed, "wow," she was speechless. "we're really about to be parents? who aloud this?"

brandon laughed, "i'm excited," he shrugged. "we should do a gender reveal and baby shower in one," he began to throw out suggestions.

"do you think our families will mesh good?" she wondered.

"i mean the bronx meets los angeles? i have no clue, but i think so," he chuckled at the thought. "the real question is where are we going for the baby shower?"

"you heard my mom. she said i might as well get my shit and move here," and no, it wasn't harsh. her mom was actually sweet about the situation, but only because deep down she knew it was going to happen when she agreed to let her daughter go for a while.

"and then i can fly them out when the time comes," he nodded at the idea.

there were three knocks before the door opened. "we're ready for you,"

"okay, so you are surpringly near two months," nurse kyra informed her as trinity laid back on the bed. "and your only so small so personally, you might show earlier than most. it honestly depends on your body through, yoy might not show at all,"

the nurse began to do her job, adding the gel to her tummy. "do you have any specific questions for me,"

"is she going to start having mood swings and all that?" brandon asked, eyes glued to the monitor.

"she may," the nurse giggled at the question, "i have two kids myself and when i had my baby boy, a lot of the pregnancy myths were true for me like the lower belly and craving all the salty foods," she explained, pressing down into trinity's stomach for a good reading.

"but with my daughter, the only differece was the fact my belly was higher. for both i was moody because carrying a baby comes with a lot of pain," she marked a couple things. "papa, you better be prepared for foot rubs, back rubs, belly rubs,"

they all shared a laugh.

"from what i can see," she marked one final thing. "your due date is going to be late august, early september,"

"oh lord, a baby virgo," trinity joked.

"everything is all good here," the nurse gave trinity a warm towel. "you are somewhere along seven to eight weeks. everyone week or so you will have to come back and we'll definitely help you out with classes and things of that nature to help you throughout," nurse kyra explained.

"thank you so much," brandon helped trinity clean her stomach, pull her shirt down and sit her up.

"no problem, congrats again,"

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