Chapter Four

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MJ's P

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MJ's P.O.V

"The answer is totally yes." Oh my god. He said yes. Like, actually. He said yes to me. Am I dreaming? I must be having a stroke cause why would Peter fuckin' Parker say yes to a date with me. I wish he initiated it, but I just had to, I couldn't keep this weight on my chest. Okay, more importantly, what the hell am I gonna wear to this. It's a Diner, not a fancy fancy restaurant, so I don't need to go too crazy? Makeup? I DON'T KNOW MAN. Okay, I have an idea. I'll wear this purple crop-top with like curled sleeves, low waisted blue jeans, my purple converse, to match of course. No jacket, it's too hot outside for that. I told him 30 minutes, so he should probably be dealing with the same dilemma as me, so at least I don't think I'm alone in this "I have no idea how to romantically function" state. I literally just got home, I had to rush from the Times Square bank where I saw Spider-Man all the way back to Queens. Time to get ready for what I hope to be the night of my life. With Peter Parker.

Peter Parker's P.O.V

"Wanna go on a date loser?" Oh my god. She really just asked me that. Am I dreaming? I must be having a stroke because why would Michelle MJ fuckin' Jones ask me out on a date. I cannot wait to see her. Wait I have no idea what to wear. I still am swinging through the city, but I'm really close to home. I was thinking about wearing my suit under my clothes on the date, but I'm uncertain. I have a like bad feeling about something that might happen tonight, so I'd rather be prepared. But for once I'd like to take off as Spider-Man and just go on a date with the girl I've liked for the absolute longest. Sure, yeah, I kinda had a crush on Liz, but jeez no one can compare to Michelle. Her curly brown hair, as it falls to her face, her medium-sized brown eyes. Ah man. I need to relax. 

I crawled through into my apartment window and collapsed onto my bed. My Aunt came into the room with a rolling pin in her hand, "Whoever is in here, I am armed with a weapon, don't try and play with me!" she yelled. I popped my head up and replied, "It's just me May! Relax!" She sighed in relief and walked over to where I was and smacked me. "Stop scaring me like that Peter!" I chuckled, and she let herself out of my room, as I then dealt with my next issue. Something much of a larger threat than Thanos was: Figuring out what to wear to this date. So I wanna look great for MJ, and I think that'll take much more work than her looking good for me. I also just realized, I'm still bleeding really badly. This gunshot wound is not healing as fast as it usually does. So now I have to conceal that too. The pain just hit me, and this hurts a lot. It didn't hurt at that moment because of all the adrenaline I had from them possibly hurting MJ. God that was so mushy. She really is my kryptonite. Alright back to what I'm gonna wear for this date. MJ lives about 5 minutes away from me, and the Diner is about 7 minutes away. I have 6 minutes. This is a problem. 

I ran into the bathroom and got my secret stash of medical items, which included a bunch of wraps and slings, gauze, cleaners, and other materials. As well as stitching items. I wrapped a roll of medical wrap from my right rib-cage all the way across my shoulder, across my back and chest, covering half of my entire chest. I then just wrapped the same area, around my waist and stomach, for support. That took a really long time oh my god I'm gonna be late.  I threw on a clean plaid long-sleeve shirt and a somewhat tight white t-shirt on under it that had a physics pun on it and started to run out the door until Aunt May stopped me. She told me that she wouldn't be back until tomorrow morning, so I was on my own to wake up for school and make breakfast. She was working insane overnight hours at the hospital, and what I can only assume sleeping there as well, probably on benches and chairs in their lounge. She didn't like it, but we needed the money. And ever since she found out what I've been doing back in 2017, she hasn't really minded leaving me on my own, since I can take care of myself. I looked at my watch. I had a minute. 1. Singular. Minute. 60 seconds. To get to this diner. I threw on my webshooters and jumped out the window.

I webslinged through alleyways and buildings so that I wouldn't be seen, and I made it to the diner in 48.4 seconds. I think that's pretty good. I landed behind the Diner and walked around to the front to see MJ standing there waiting for me. I stopped dead in my tracks. "Why were you in the back of the Diner, if you know, you live that way" she said as she pointed in the direction of my apartment. "I, uh, took a shortcut, and got here faster, yeah."I could barely form the words out of my mouth as I spoke. She was just so, stunning. I couldn't think of anything else to say, so I blurted out, "You look absolutely fucking amazing." I threw my hands over my mouth, in shock that I just let my self say that, and as I glanced down I realized my webshooters were still on. She looked at me in a very compassionate way, as her cheeks started turning pink, so she turned her head and smiled. When she turned I pushed my sleeves down to hide them, and I heard her reply, "You look fucking amazing too." But she said this in a much softer, quieter register, rather than my impulsive shout. I blushed, held the door, and we walked into the Diner together after smiling at each other.

We walked inside, ordered a table for two, and waited to be seated, which was only supposed to be a 3-minute wait. I sat down on the bench and laid my hands out on the sides, and she sat next to me and did the same. We then realized both of our hands were touching each other. Holy shit holy shit holy shit. She's holding my hand? Well her hand is on top of mine. She keeps glancing at me. What do I do self, what do I do? As I could smell the smoke from my brain trying to come up with a response, our table was called, so I jumped out of the chair, and MJ snickered. We walked close together and our hands brushed against each other. Okay, she's totally doing this on purpose, there's no reason that our hands would touch twice today randomly. "Fuck it," I said to myself, and I grabbed it and held it. She looked down in a shocked kind of manner, but it wasn't the shock of like, "Why would you do that" it was more of "Oh my god he finally did it" She squeezed back and interlocked her fingers into mine. Her hands were warm. Soft. Delicate. Fragile. Perfect. I was at peace. We made it to our table, so we had to release hands. She sat across from me, and as she sat, her perfect brown curls fell across her face, which was really flushed and red. She sat, picked up a menu and immediately hid behind it. I could tell she was smiling but she was tryna hide it.

"So, a piece of paper, then promptly running away," I said as I drank my vanilla milkshake. Michelle looked away and smiled, "Well it's not like you were gonna ask me anytime soon, and I was scared you were going to read it like right on the spot in front of me so I didn't want to deal with rejection if you totally rejected me but I mean it's okay if you did.." She stopped herself once she realized she was totally rambling. I put my hand on top of hers and I gazed into her eyes across the table. She looked right back at me, and before I knew it we were leaning into each other, our faces getting closer and closer. Her lips were so close, and just as I was about to kiss her, the waiter came over with our food order. Our waiter was young, not much older than Michelle or me. I leaned back into my seat, as did Michelle when my pancakes and eggs and her steak was placed in front of us respectfully. "I still can't get over the fact that it's 7 at night and you're eating pancakes," Michelle said, through a mouthful of medium-rare steak and mashed potatoes. "I mean hey, breakfast is the best meal of the day, so might as well eat it at night too then," I replied, as I grabbed the syrup that the waiter just dropped off for us. "You're so amazing," MJ blurted out, as I noted she was constantly looking up and down at me from her food. I looked up at her from my messy syrup pancake infestation I had on my plate. I swiped my mouth, took a swig of water, leaned in and kissed her. She immediately got into it as well, holding the side of my face and back of my neck. I leaned away and said, "You're amazing too."

We finished our food, and after a long and tiring debate on equal rights, I paid for our meal, although Michelle wanted to. We walked outside the diner, hands interlocked, and realized that it was pouring outside with lightning. "Shit," MJ mumbled to herself in an almost inaudible register, that anyone that didn't have advanced hearing like myself couldn't here. "What's up?" I replied, "My parents aren't home tonight, and I don't like being by myself in this kind of weather." I immediately, with no hesitation, asked: "Do you wanna stay over tonight?" "Yes." She replied instantaneously. We both smiled at each other, and I kissed her again. "Twice today Parker? I didn't think you were the type-" I kissed her again, but I held her much tighter than the first two times. I held her waist and sides as she put her arms around my neck. 


Finally released Chapter Four. I'm a lifeguard and swim instructor as a job during the summer, so it's a lot of work, so I always come home tired. But I finally finished this today. Due to the near week delay for this chapter, I'll put out a chapter every day (I hope) this week, so Chapter Five will most likely be out tomorrow! It started raining and storming very badly outside my house while I was writing this so I incorporated it into my writing! I hope you enjoy!

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