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Do it
Do it!
Fucking do it!

No! I can't i don't want to

Just like your father, pathetic

I'm not like him!!

You are just a copy of him, even worse, at least he wasn't a coward like you are

Shut up!

Taehyung squeezed his head in his hands, hoping the dark thoughts, feeling would just go away. But they never did. His inner voice was too strong. He hated it, absolutely despised it. How it had so much control, the power to make him do horrible things.

"Gghh" light sounds escaped the boys mouth. Tightly holding to his blanket, balled up just like a baby. The sounds of him softly snoring and breathing. Taehyung watched the boy turn around for the third time in his sleep.

He smiled lightly fighting the inner voice while doing so. He looked so pretty in the light of the moon peaking trough the window. His fluttering long lashes and as always pouty lips looked so delicate.

How could Taehyung kill him, hurt him. Even.

Do it!

Shaking his head he came closer to the boy laying restfully on his bed. Taehyung sat down at the rear end where the boys legs where, distance enough for Taehyung to stroke the boys black, curly long hair.

"I can't hurt you" he said, whispering. Words barely coherent.

The boy grunted softly, squinting his eyes. Taehyung carefully moved back a little, after a few seconds Jeongguk didn't move anymore. Taehyung moved back.

He bit his lip. "I won't hurt you, Jeon Jeongguk" he smiled, he leaned forward pressing a feathery kiss to the boys temple.


Taehyung had gone back to work like nothing happened, no one knew about anything. Except for Hoseok.. who Taehyung hadn't seen or heard from since the last time.

"Sir, the papers for your next meeting. Which is at about.. hmm 4? Could we make that work" Taehyung's new male assistant Micheal said. Always so cheery and naturally an optimistic person.

Taehyung felt indifferent.

"Thankyou, Micheal. You're dismissed" Taehyung said dryly.

Micheal nodded then left, closing the door behind.

You miss Hoseok ,don't you?

Taehyung shook his head ,his knuckles turning white from grabbing his chair side too hard.

You scared him away, like everyone, Taehyung

"No" Taehyung whispered softly.

"You did! It's your fault you're alone!"

"no!" Taehyung said louder.

Admit it ,Taehyung. Without you, a monster everyone would be better off

Taehyung felt a pool of rage kick in, a desire of destroying something, anything.

He pushed over his desk. "SHUT UP!"

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