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3 days later

It's a cage,
It's suffocating,
It's execrable,
Detestable is how Taehyung would describe his never ending stay at Jimin.

Getting downgraded more by each second passing by, his energy decreasing heftily as well as his confidence.

He was surprised though, the small pure looking psycho, Jimin was rather clever. Testing even worse ways to abuse Taehyung every day.

Loving every second of his suffering looked so inhumane to Taehyung. The flicker of the smallers eyes creeped Taehyung the fuck out.

Taehyung had spend all his alone time. Which was a lot thinking. Whenever Jimin would dissapear for perhaps hours Taehyung would just be left with all his thoughts and a dark room.

The biggest thought he had was himself, he saw Jimin as a horrible ruthless insane psychopath. But the irony of it all was that Taehyung had been a hypocrite all this time.

You see Taehyung was the exact replica of the smaller and the worse was that he never even became aware of how crazy and maniac like he came across as.

Who knew being around your self could make you scared. Scared of yourself. The things Jimin was capable of doing and making someone go trough was horrifying and blood curdling. Just like Taehyung did, just like Taehyung tortured people Jimin did the same.

So why was Taehyung realizing all this now?

Jimin pulled Taehyung by his hair out the water filled sink. Taehyung coughed breathing for air which was incredibly difficult.

"What I thought you were thirsty?" Jimin asked in a soft voice. It was weird cause the tone and manner he brought his questions seemed almost like he was genuinely worried and scared for the male. But he wasn't. Taehyung knew cause he himself did it too.

Nothing about Jimin was truth full. Just a fake.

Jimin pushed Taehyung's head back in to the water by the males neck. Taehyung just in time breathed in a cloud of air balling his cheeks before going down to the cold water again.

His ears ringing of the debt of the water and throat hurting of the lack of air. Taehyung hadn't expected getting drowned in a dirty sink when asking for a glass of water from Jimin seconds ago.

It was rather foolish since Jimin had warned him not to ask anything. Jimin would bring Taehyung's food himself whenever he wanted in the day so he could keep him alive just to abuse him further.

Jimin pulled him out again by the males blonde soaked hair. He chuckled seeing Taehyung gasping for air and coughing at the same time.
"C'mon ,CEO. You have your voice back now, right?" He wanted Taehyung to talk.

But Taehyung knew better. After yesterday he wouldn't open his mouth till he was out of here and had Jimin begging to not be killed, he just had to be patient.

"Talk you pussy!" Jimin yelled pushing Taehyung back into the water roughly holding him down for another minute or two.


"Jeongguk have you seen Taehyung this Monday?"

"Oh yes of course, sir!" Jeongguk said too obvious. He hated lying. But he still hadn't found anything about Taehyung's whereabouts and wasn't ready to give up just yet.

"That's weird. Why has no one seen him. But you?" Jeongguks boss asked with a raised brow thinking suspicious.

Jeongguk gulped. Another lie, another cover up for a man he didn't even know why he protected, Taehyung wasn't even his friend. Just a patient with terrifying accusations.

Why was he helping him? What if the rumors and stories are all true? How would Jeongguk ever forgive himself for protecting a serial killer?

Wouldn't that make him just as bad.

"Um hello Jeongguk?" His boss swayed his hands in front of the male shaking him out of his thoughts. Junkook jumped up a little and let out a soft hm.

His boss sighed putting both hands on his hips, "You're so distracted lately. It's starting to bug me ,JeonggukJeongguk's eyes widened. He's been so busy looking for Taehyung he even cancelled a few oppoinments and dozed of frequently in between meetings.

I don't appreciate this, Jeongguk. Especially not coming from you! Why don't you go home for today take a break and get some sleep"

Jeongguk nodded softly. He didn't want to go. But he had no motivation or energy to listen to another story about someone's horrible life anyway. Earning a small smile and pat on his shoulder his boss walked away looking concerned for Jeongguk.

Jeongguk plastered cold water on his face looking up at the mirror on top of his sink. His bags on full display as well as his dried out skin and messed up hair. He looked like trash.

Maybe he should just sleep, yes that's what he should do.

He made some hot tea already in his pajamas taking place on the comfort of his sofa. He sat down with a thud his mouth escaping an ahh. He closed his eyes with a soft sigh.

"Let's relax now" he whispered to himself, softly taking a sip of his piping hot tea.

Not even a minute later Jeongguk  was behind his computer, his phone beside him waiting for an answer from Yugyeom.

Jeongguk clowned himself.

Just as he was about to finally calm down his mind he got a text from his friend, Yugyeom.

I got a lead. Call you in five.

So now he was waiting for his phone to ring. With his computer in front of him to look up the address and lead immediately after.

He was sad.Jeongguk found himself the saddest he's ever been. What dumbass would look for someone much more powerful, successful and crazy rich. Why would Taehyung even need his help? This was insane and yet he felt like he was the only one that could help the male.

Maybe Jeongguk was even Taehyung's only escape now. Maybe he was waiting for him.

Maybe just maybe Taehyung was thinking about him just as much as Jeongguk did.

His phone rang Jeongguk not wasting any time answering it putting it on speaker and listening diligently.


          I have to announce something..


         STREAM Melanie Martinez K-12!

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