wool strung from the sun

923 47 19

"nice sweater you got there, baby."

jeongguk plopped down on the luxurious black leather seats of some foreign car he couldn't pronounce, for his accent was too thick. awaiting him was a sharply styled taehyung, admiring the view of the younger.

jeongguk closed the door behind him, peering at the expensive man seated at the wheel. one arm was perched up, long veiny fingers clutching the steering wheel. his other hand resting on the middle compartment.

jeongguk saw his fingers twitched and smiled to himself, wondering if they were itching to squeeze his thick thighs.

well, who could blame him? jeongguk was blessed.

"you like it?" he stretched out his arms, feigning a soft lilt to his voice. " a really handsome man bought it for me. i think he's a keeper."

well, that last part wasn't exactly a lie, jeongguk thought. money was money.

taehyung nodded, a rosy pink dusting the apples of his cheeks. "we should get going. there's a new restaurant i've been wanting to take you." he said this with a cheeky grin, shifting the gear out of park.. the car lurched forward suddenly, merging into traffic. 

jeongguk watched out through the windows with wide eyes, admiring the towering buildings and the meandering citizens that dotted walkways and streets. "what's the name of this place?" jeongguk asked, cheek pushed up against the car window as he admired the moving view. every time he experienced the city always felt like the first. 

"ossu seiromushi" the foreign words rolled off his tongue, his eyes set on the road, other hand grasping the gear. his brows were furrowed just the slightest, yet a small smirk (lopsided, must i add) played on his lips. jeongguk felt himself shiver a bit at the sight of a thick black bandanna pushing the man's fringe from his face, and then scolded himself for the homoerotic response.

fuck taehyung and his devilish good looks.

fuck jeongguk and his desire to take a picture, though he would never admit that to anybody. not even himself.

"is that... japanese?" jeongguk inquired, shuffling around in his seat. he placed his hands under his thighs, a nervous habit that he had.

taehyung hummed before making a right turn, his eyes darting to look at jeongguk. "that it is, good job. do you want to know what it means?" once again, that smirk was back, but this time slightly larger and not so lopsided.

jeongguk nodded, not necessarily enjoying how small he felt in that moment. maybe it was taehyung's stature? maybe it was his knowledge that he held over jeongguk? or, perhaps, it could just be jeongguk's act getting to him?

screw you, jimin. thought jeongguk. you forcefully made me sign up for those apps, didn't you? no matter how much i tried to refuse, you wouldn't relent. now look at me, acting all gay and shit. fuck, taehyung looks good.

"welcome." he said, pulling into the parking lot. he chose the nearest spot available, a few meters away from the entrance. taehyung began unbuckling his seat belt as he continued to speak. "ossu seiromushi, that's what it means; welcome. but we're also here, so..."

taehyung shot jeongguk a sheepish grin, hopping out of the car before jeongguk even had time to unbuckle. he watched as taehyung scurried around the head of the car, his reflection clear against it's red exterior. jeongguk noticed the small number of wrinkly double chins taehyung produced as he smiled down at him while opening the door for him.


oh fuck, jeongguk's stomach lurched a bit. the feeling was similar to the one you get when you feel sick, yet it was nothing like that at all. it felt light. and airy.

jeongguk stepped out, white sneakers meeting the black pavement.

"let us dine, taehyung."

a smile, shaped like a box so wide that his eyes crinkled.

"yes, let us."

not your baby // taeggukWhere stories live. Discover now