The Bell Tower

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We finished a meal of fish, bannock and vegetables. I haven't had fish in awhile so I helped myself to three plates full which seemed to have brought a lot of attention to us.

"I still can't believe you ate all of that. I swear you finished an entire fish to yourself." Roan says.

"Oh probably." I reply.

We are approached by three knights dressed the same as Roan but without the dragon Sigil on the front of their tunics. They sit down with us.

"Gentlemen." Roan says watching them suspiciously.

One night speaks up.
"Roan, I see you've finally found a mage, and she's a beauty!" He holds my hand to his lips and kisses it. "Do you have a sister, sweet thing? I have yet to pledge myself to a mage, and I would give anything to have one like you." I wasn't sure if it was his blonde hair and charm that has me flushing with heat or his bold approach.

"No, I'm sorry I have no sister."I replied, lowering my eyes shyly from his.

Roan interrupts.
"Gregory I would advise you to not to court with my mage."

"My mage?" I repeat in my head. I pull my hand away from this charming man and look at Roan who is obviously filled to the brim with jealousy. Why is it that no one has asked me what I want? The thought of being someone's property like that angers me.

"I am no one's mage." I say staring daggers at Roan. "If someone wants to pledge with me they will need to ask me first." I stand up and all the men stand with me stunned. "I'm going to take a walk. I will leave you men to discuss how to behave appropriately in front of a woman!"

I leave them all standing dumbfounded and silent as I go exploring. I have never been inside the castle before and I want to see it all. I spend the next four hours roaming around taking all of its magnificence in, stopping here and there to examine old objects and tapestries. I walk through the garden area smelling the roses and brushing my fingers on shrubs and statues, I come to a seating area where I see Mina sitting having her lunch, she looks up and smiles at me. She is quite striking in a unique way. Her long black smooth hair gives her a sleek look which compliments her dark skin tone. Her facial features are oddly placed but when you put everything together with her personality she is very beautiful.

"Lady Brianna! What are you doing out here by yourself? Where is Roan?". She gasps.

I walk over to her and sit on the stone bench beside her.
"I'm not sure where Roan is, he isn't attached to my hip you know." I reply shaking my head in disapproval.

"But he is your knight and you are his mage are you not?" She takes another mouthful of her sandwich.

"Why does everyone think that? I haven't made any pledges, and if Roan wants me as his mage he needs to ask me first. I won't unwillingly give myself away to just anyone ."

"Well Roan has been searching the castle asking where you are for the last three hours. He has never shown this much interest in a mage before. As for asking your permission, a knight has never needed permission to bond with a mage, once they choose one they make the pledge and that mage has no choice."

"No choice? Well I am not one to be conquered like that, if any knight wants to choose me as their mage, they must ask my permission or I will refuse."

"Brianna, you are one of a kind. Do you know how many mages want to bond with Roan? It is an honor to be chosen as a knights mage, especially by him. You should..."

I interrupt her. "Please, I don't need someone telling me what I should and shouldn't be doing, I am not a child, I bear my own will and if the realm does not like that, then they can go to hell."

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