The Chasm

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Mean while in Isotora...

"Your highness, the Queen of Lesteros is on her way here." The Kings hand approaches the throne.

His eyes grow wide in fear, fear for what is to come with her. He has heard the rumors of an undead army, he has heard the rumors of a frozen storm that lays waste to the land, he has heard of her treachery and pact with Thanatos. Isotora is no match for what she brings or what she is now. His heart pounds painfully.

"Why is she coming?" He asks, in a voice so adolescent it cracks as he speaks.

"Sh...she wants to speak with you about an alliance." He replies with just as much terror in his eyes.

"She knows my answer!" The King snaps. Cursing himself for not allying with the Dragon summoner sooner. At least then he wouldn't be dealing with the dead.

"She isn't taking no for an answer my King." He replies sheepishly.

He swallows hard, this can't be happening.
"What is she bringing with her?" He asks in a darker tone.

"Our mage projections tell us she brings, a small army of things we have never seen before, not human. She has a mage by her side as well and she rides a black Ox."

"Damnit! How much time do we have?"

"Five or six days and they will be on our doorstep bringing the frozen storm and dead with them."

"Gather our army, I want all civilians in the keep. Innocent lives must be protected at all costs. We will stand our long as we can."

"Yes your highness." He bows and turns away hastily.



"Send a raven out to Brianna Nobile, summoner of dragons. Tell her we will ally with her if she can help us fight off the undead and their queen."

"Yes my King."

"Let's pray she can make it here in time."


After filling our bellies, we convoy through the desert heat once again, across the sandy planes towards the rebel camp. It was Kit, Jed and myself leading. Brianna, Harold and grim shadowing us, then Revish and Gogo. Our morning started well, Kit had everything packed and prepared before anyone had gotten up. It would seem he had trouble sleeping last night, and decided to be productive.

"We should be there by night fall." Jed assures us.

He takes a swig of water from his canister and passes it along to me. I take a sip and pass it to Kit. The air was getting thicker with magic, I could feel it, although I'm not sure if the others could. The sand was beginning to get rough, and fade away into rocky cracked earth with various desert foliage sprouting between the crevices.

"Just through that canyon beyond." Jed points straight ahead to a large chasm lined with towering cliffs on either side. "Water used to flow here, but a sinkhole further down has dried this place up. Who knows where the water went. It was what destroyed the realm of Laria, which is now just dry decaying ruins. The perfect place for a rebel camp." He looks to me and winks.

I smirk back. "They are wise to be hidden in ruins. But how are they surviving without water?"

"Everyday their mages summon a rain storm. The one we passed through was the remnants of their recent storm. That is how I know we are on the right path." He pulls out is sundial from his saddle pack reading the time of day.

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