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I open the large double doors to the dining hall and we walk in. The room is large with circular tables placed in different areas around a dance floor. There were musicians playing ballads off to the right side and every seat in the room was full. It was busy, maybe a little too busy for my liking. I look at Brianna. She's even more beautiful in that dress than any dress I've seen on her yet. It was smooth and silky complimenting every curve and only covering the parts that need to be covered. I found myself gawking at her every time I made eye contact, her hair curled and flowed down her back and shon in the flickering candle light. I still can't believe I get to kiss a woman this beautiful everyday. I am madly in love with her. I know it. I just wish she would love me back, but she resists me so much. How am I to know how she feels if she won't pledge to me.

I watch her move through the crowds of people smiling and laughing, she is like a social butterfly attracting everyone to her beautiful wings. All I can do is be there beside her when she needs me. I'm not used to being second in line for attention but I'm finding it quite nice not having women throwing themselves at me or other knights constantly asking when I will take my pledge. "Just pick one!" They say. Well now that I have, she doesn't want me. My heart aches.

"Roan! You're looking good tonight!" Jewel says grabbing my arm.

I pull away from her.
"Thanks jewel. You look nice too."

"That's it? I look nice? Two weeks ago you were telling me how sexy I am in your tunic and now all I get is a "you look nice?". She says glaring at me.

"Things have changed, and I would rather you not speak of that In front of my mage." I reply.

"Your mage? She refuses to pledge with you. I don't know why you even bother with her. I would give you everything you ever wanted if you let me." She kisses my cheek, which seems to grab Brianna's attention. She looks at me with those green eyes, everyone else in the room seems to disappear as I lose myself in her.

"Roan...ROAN!" I snap out of it, Jewel is now yelling my name trying to get my attention. "I'm talking to you!...." She hits my arm." I hate you!!, you're the worst person in the world! You take me into bed with you, then all of a sudden you're not interested in me because some blonde delinquent with nice legs comes along and out wits you! I should have stayed with Gregory! He would have least been loyal to me and treated me nicely!" She throws her drink in my face before she storms away.  Well this causes a lot of attention, including the attention from Brianna. She stares at me with anger on her lips, like she had heard every damn thing Jewel had yelled at me. Dammit. I watch Brianna storm away from me. What the hell just happened. We just got here and everything is falling apart... I need a drink.

I make my way to the bar before going after Brianna, I know better than to try and console her while she's pissed off at me. It will get us nowhere, she needs some time to cool down and I need some time to think. My head is a mess of confusion and my heart is full of love and hurt.

"What would you like sir?" The tender asks.

"I'll take a large cup of honey brew." I slam a first on the counter.

He begins to fill a cup.
"Bigger!" I snap. He flips the cup and it lands on the floor as he scrambles to pick a bigger cup.
"Sir I don't think we have a bigger cup."

"Give me the bottle then!" He hands me the bottle of brew and I down it in about thirty seconds.
"Another!" I snap.
He hands me another bottle. I get half way through before my mother interrupts me.

"What in the hell is wrong with you?" She leans beside me.
"You look like a tavern fool! What happened?" She asks.
I roll my eyes.
"I'm tired of women." I reply.

She cackles at me.
"Yes I saw what Jewel did, and I saw Brianna storm out onto the balcony.... so what are you going to do?"

"I don't know. Brianna is probably very upset with me and I doubt she thinks very highly of me anymore. I believe that was Jewel's plan, that merciless bitch."

"Well you did invite her into your bed Roan." She replies.

"Yeah, what a mistake that was." I say.

"Did you love Jewel?" She asks.

"What? No....I selfishly wanted a woman, I thought maybe I could push myself into loving her because she wanted me so badly. But I realized a few months later that you can't do that. Then I met Brianna. You should have seen her, in four hours she managed to escape me and the castle, knock me off my horse, steal my horse, and fight me only to invite me into her home for dinner. I'm such a fool for her."

She laughs hysterically at me. "You've got it bad son! Looks like you need a girl who challenges you. Has she accepted her pledge yet?"

"No.... I'm not sure why. She is guarding herself. I'm not sure how much more resistance I can take from her. I'm trying my best but it's tearing my heart apart." I reply.

"Hmmm....well she needs to bond with a knight from Lesterose no matter what. I see Gregory has taken an interest in her." She says.

"Mother! Are you not listening to what I'm saying?" I growl.

"I'm listening but your feelings don't matter, what matters is her loyalty to me and the realm. We need her. No matter who or what it takes! You will keep watch over her. But like I said before you will pledge with someone, I don't care who and before Seriphus and his army are upon us!"

"You don't give a damn how I feel do you?" I ask.

"Not really! Suck it up Roan and be a man, if you want that girl than go fucking get her!" She pats my back then leaves me to wallow in my self pity, drinking my face off.

She was right though, if I want her I'm going to get her no matter what! She is everything to me. I finish my beer and set out to find her.

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