Starbucks, and ex boyfirends

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Camila POV

I woke up to Brendan snoring softly. Oh my gosh. Dear lord help me.

His almost chocolate brown hair. His brown eyes. A little bit of freckles. His baby pink lips. His button like nose.

I understand why we are 'just friends' I'm well, me. And he is Brendan.

I may have forgotten to tell you but have you guys ever heard of anorexia? Well I believe I'm fat, but I still eat. I started to cut myself but I stopped. Louis convinced me I wasn't fat.

But I was. I realized that after he left.

"morning beautiful" I hear his soft angelic voice whisper to me cutting me away from my thoughts.

"morning handsome" I reply sarcastically. It's so weird how we act like boyfriend and girlfriend even though we are not.

"I have to go out today, do you wanna stay here?" I asked "yep sure." he replied.

I have to go looking for a job. YAY. (note the sarcasm) a rent of 200 pounds doesn't just come out of nowhere.

I get a discount on my apartment because I have a 'buddy', that I absolutely hate, gave me a discount. But hey? Only 200 pounds. That's a great deal!

I go take a quick shower and get changed. A dark blue color shirt, plain and some black jeans and leather jacket.

I go around then I see a sign. 'now hiring' in Starbucks.

Starbucks is a start. I walk in and it's a little busy, but for the only girl that's working there is a lot of coffee to make.

I go up and ask her "are you still hiring?" "yes of course! I'll interview you right after this customer. Just go sit down on the couch and I'll be right with you!" she says nicely.

I sit down for about 2 minutes and she comes back. "ready?" she asks "ready" I reply back.

She takes me out back and to a little table, or desk I should say. "have a seat" she says "now we will begin, just answer honestly and I promise you, that you might actually get the job! We are running very low on people. Im practically the only one here!" she says "okay" I say "have you had any experience before in jobs?" she asks "I worked as a waitress at nandos and I have also worked at a McDonald's in America" I say "do you have any children?" she asks "no I do not" "last question. Why do you need this job?" she asks the last question raising her eyebrows "I need to pay my rent for my flat" I say "okay have you ever gone to jail, committed any crimes or anything like that?" she asks "no I haven't" I answer truthfully "your hired!" she exclaims "when can you start working?" she asks "the sooner the better!" I say smiling "how about your first shift starts today? Is that okay?" she asks "perfect" I say

I start working. I put on my apron and I take the orders while my boss, whose name is Amelia, makes the coffee.

"one strawberry frappe, one black coffee, one chocolate chip frappe, and one Yorkshire tea please" a strong thick Irish accent says "niall?" I ask "Canila?" he asks "I haven't seen you in forever!" he says "aww I missed you guys! Your funny personality and all that" I say smiling "oh and that will be 5.36" I say he hands me 2 five pounds and I try to give him the change but he says 'keep it' so I just put it in the tip jar.

Niall was in Louis's band One Direction.

"here you go and have a nice day" I say in a posh accent to make Niall laugh and he laughs all the way to the Car.

Niall POV

I walk back to the car with all the drinks in a drink carrier. "dude what took you so long!" Louis yells at me. "sorry I bumped into a, a friend." I stutter "who?" Lou asks "nobody important.

Louis POV

I see Niall laughing and walking to the car.

"what took you so long!" I scolded Niall. "I was talking to a, a friend" Niall stuttered

He looked a little sorry. I looked in through the window of Starbucks I saw my ex-girlfriend Camila Jones.

At first I was scared but then a little happy. Well, things have not been going well with Eleanor. I took one last look to see her smiling at a costumer before we drove off.

But little did we know that someone was watching us. And he didn't like us.

Camila POV

I finished my shift. I get paid every Friday but it was wednesday so 2 more days.

I got back home and i was bombarded with one single question but it felt like a million questions.

"where we're you?" he asked. "got a job. At Starbucks" I said casually, and shrugging. "oh" was his intelligent answer.

"well I'm tired. Imma go to sleep. Good night" I said and as soon as I touched that blanket, I was asleep.

Authors note:

Not going to upload all weekend long. Sorry.

Don't you just love Brendan? LOL I know I do! I fell in love with the character.

Byeeeee good night my little airplanes

Ash <3 ;) ✈

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