Chapter 6 Samantha's POV

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I get in the house and puts my back against the door smiling like the grinch.

I recap last night in my head and bites my lip then I pull away from the door doing some stupid dance as I walk past the living room to see Abby asleep on the couch.

Half her body on the couch the other half on the floor. I laugh to myself Abby was always a wild sleeper. It's just gotten worst now.

I smile as I walk to my room and gets in the shower. I get out and gets dressed in a red button up blouse and an high waisted skirt. I leave my hair down to curl up like it does when it dries and pins some of it up and leaves the rest down as I slide on some black pumps. I walk back into the bathroom and does my makeup doing my make up just as how Abby did last night. I spray some perfume and walks out the bathroom. I grab my purse and the files I did for Reese.

I grab my car keys and walks toward the living room as I see Abby starting to wake up so I rush out the front door and into my car.

Before I start the car, I get a text from Nathan.

"Sweetheart I am sorry I had to come in early. Meet me in my office when you get here."

I think to myself,"Reese did this. That ass hole."

"I am on my way now I see you in a few."

I start the car driving to work. I get there going inside greeting Mrs.Davis as I walk in and steps into the elevator. I stand there as the elevator makes it to the top floor and steps out. The first place I go is Nathan's office. I knock on the door and his deep yet sweet voice invites me in. I set in as he looks up but takes a double take looking me up and down before stand out of his desk.

I smile as I stand by the door and he walks up to me towering over me still. I smile as he kisses me.

I kiss back and pulls away before it gets intense. I wipe my lipstick off of his mouth and smiles as kisses his cheek.

"Uhhhh Sam,you want to go out this weekend."

I sit and think about it before saying,"I am sorry Nat I have a test this weekend and I need to study."

"Well let me come over and help you study. I know you like Chinese so I can order take out and help you study."

I think about it,"Ok that's fine I see you think weekend."

I open the door to walk out of his office and he smiles at me. I walk to my office setting my things down then walks to Reese's office. I knock on the door as his husky deep voice invites me in. He does the same thing as Nathan. He looks up at me before doing a double take.

"Ummm sorry to bother you Mr.Rogers but do you need anything."

He sits there just staring at me.

I clear my throat as he wakes up out of his daze.

"Uhhhhh no no I have everything thanks for asking though."

As I turn my back to walk out I feel his glare still on me.

I walk out and closes his door as I smile to myself before walking back to my office.

I walk to my office and sits down going through some papers as Reese pages me.

"Bring me some coffee please."

"Yeah be right there."

I get up from my desk and sighs.

I just left out of there you couldn't say that when I asked if you wanted anything. I just think he wants to look at my body again. Who cares he is still a perv.

I walk into the break room and starts to make his coffee as I feel some push up against me I am about to scream until I hear them whisper in my ear.

"You look extra good today."

It's Nathan..........

I roll my eyes at him as I turn around to him as we are nose and nose.

"You better be glad you spoke up in time because I was just going to throw this coffee on you."

"You can't do that sweetheart that will fuck up my sexy face."

I laugh grabbing Reese's coffee and is about to walk out when Nathan stops me.

"Hey can I stop by later we need to have an serious talk about something."

In the back of my mind I probably know what he is talking about. So I nod walking to Reese's office.

I knock on the door before walking in and he is siting on his couch with his head in his hands.

I look at him confused and puts the coffee on his desk.

Without looking up at me," What's going on between you and Nathan."

I act as if I don't know what he's talking about.

"What are you talking about."

He jumps up in an angry rage shouting,"DON'T FUCKING PLAY WITH ME SAM!!"

I back away from him afraid now.

He pitches the bridge of his nose calming down.

"Samantha I am going to ask one final time what's going on between you and Nathan."

I stay silence.

He looks at me before chuckling,"Stop it Samantha I seen how he glows around you which you do the same but yet again you glow brighter."

"Ok and what does Nathan and I have to do with you."

His rage comes back again as he shouts,"IT HAS EVERY DAMN THING TO DO WITH ME."


He screams back,"BECAUSE YOU BELONG TO ME."

I back away in shock.

He comes closer staring at me.As I try to back away more he grabs my wrists and pulls me close to him and kisses me. I don't respond back at first. Until I start to kiss him back. I come to my senses and pulls away slapping him as I walk out.

I run to my office locking myself inside as I sit there thinking.


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