Chapter 9

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Might be a short chapter we will see

But comment and vote for me thank you


I process the words that just came out his mouth

"I think I am in love with you."

Kept replaying and replaying in my head. Like really he just......confessed his feelings for me.......But he's married....He can't feel that way bout me if he's married......Right???????

He stares at me wanting me to say something but it feels as my mouth is dry and I can't speak. I open my mouth to speak and it ends up closing right back.

"Samantha say something please."

I shrug as I try to open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out.

He walks up to me and before I can say anything else he kisses me again. My mind doesn't react quickly and I am kissing him back. He picks me up as he slides everything off my desk and onto the floor as he sits me on top of it. He breaks the kiss to kiss my neck as I bite my lip. His hands roam my body as he lays me back on the desk untucking my shirt from my skirt and unbuttons it as he kisses my neck. With every button my mind start to come back to its natural state.

He is in between my legs rubbing my thighs as my shirt it fully unbutton now. He is still kissing my neck when I feel his hands going up my skirt and I pull away.

I get from under him and buttons my shirt back up tucking it back into my skirt.

He looks at me confused.

"I...I...I can't do this."

He slowly nods understanding.

I grab my bag walk out of the room and I don't look back. I take my hair down and leaves. As I get in my car I turn off my phone and drives home.

What is my life coming to..............


Sorry that these chapter are so short

Comment Vote whatever don't just read let me know something.................................

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