Chapter 14

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I have become distance with everyone right now...

I haven't talked to Abby in two weeks. I try to call and make it better but she ignores me so I just quit calling and texting period.

Nathan ohhhhhhh Nathan.

Anyways Nathan has tried to call and text me to take back what he said but I ignore him. At work when I see Nathan coming I turn around and walks the other way. I can hear him calling my name and that only makes me walk faster...

I know it's bad that the people in my life are slowly fading away because of what I said but it's not my fault they took it that way. They told me to be honest and tell them how I feel and that's just what I did. We are just going to keep fading away from each other until we are know as strangers to each other.

I walk to Reese's office and knocks on the door.

He calls me in.

I open the door and say," Do you need anything." He looks up at me and just stares. I come in and closes the door.
I sit down in the chair I front of his desk,"Ummm do you want anything before I leave."

He shakes his stares and nods,"Samantha can I talk to you."

I nod as I cross my legs and sits to listen.
"Well I am getting a divorce. My wife said she gotten sick of me sleeping around and that I act as if I don't love her anymore. She taking our daughter and moving half way across the country so I can't see them."

Just siting here and listening I feel bad for Reese. I know for one thing his daughter is his life.

I could tell it was hurting him.

I get up and comes around his desk and hugs him. He hugs back and as I pull away I look at him.

"Hey do you want to go out for drinks with me."

He hesitates before nodding and goes to get his jacket. I leave his office bumping into someone. I feel their muscular arms wrap around me. I don't look to see who it is because I already know.

I pull away to see its Nathan. I could tell he was an emotional wreck. I wanted to say something but he stops me.

"I know it was shitty of me to just walk out on you like that and not listen to what you have to say."

I nod,"Its ok I guess."

He scans my fave for an emotion and I stare at him blankly not knowing what to say.

"Samantha say something please."

With that I am about to open my mouth when Reese walks out of his office and looks at us.

"Ummm do you want to to this some other time or-."

I cut him off.

"Yes we are still going meet me downstairs."

I could tell with the look on Nathan face that he was pissed. Reese walks away and I am about to follow when Nathan grabs my arm.

"What the hell is that. So what your on to the next one now."

I look at him shocked as his grip tightens on my arm.

"Answer me damn it..."

I push him away as I look him in the eyes saying,"Nathan you know what fuck off. I don't what your deal is but you better check yourself like for real."

Nathan looks at me shocked as I walk away.

I don't know what the fuck his problem is but he needs a reality check.

I meet Reese downstairs as we walk arm in arm to the nearest bar.

As we approach the bar, I look over at Reese to see its something on his mind.

He opens the door for me and we walk inside. As we step inside the smell of alcohol and shame floods our nose. We find a table and sits down.

I take off my jacket as I read Reese's face.

"I am just going to go ahead and say it. Whats wrong. Your face is telling me you are having a fight within yourself in what to do."

He looks at me as he takes a deep breath then says,"Sam can I talk to you about well you."

I hesitate looking him in the eyes as I nod slowly.

"Well so you remember when I ummmm confessed my love for well you."

I nod.

"Well I really do love you. I mean your a great girl and I can talk to you about my problems."

I look at him as I sit and think. I wonder if the drinks are getting to him . I sit back reading his face as everything he says is true and it starts to sink in. He really does feel this way about me. But I know I don't feel the same way about him.

My mind floods with all kinds of thoughts. I mean at first I though he was going to say something about his wife and daughter. Nope it all had something to do with me. Its crazy to think this man has felt this way about me for this long.

I shake away my thoughts as we drink our sorrows away.

As we continue to drink we are laughing and as for this moment we don't have a care in the world.

As everyone starts to leave Reese and I are beyond intoxicated. We walk out together laughing walking back to the office. We go inside going to the top floor to his office.

We talk still having random conversation. We walk into the room on the left revealing an almost full blow apartment. It had an living room bed room kitchen and bathroom.

Reese could live up here if he wanted.

When Reese and his sloppy messes walked into this room and I would think it was just a bed in there but I guess I was proven wrong. Reese and I babble on and on at each other as we walk to the room in the back. We are laughing when I fall on the bed and he falls on top of me. We stop laughing after a while looking up at each other and before I know it we are kissing. No I didn't stop him because of now. Who cares. He might be getting a divorce and as of right now. FUCK NATHAN. Reese and I keep kissing and pulling off each other clothes and before I know it we are having sex.

I can't believe I am having sex with a MARRIED MAN.........



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