Chapter 19

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Reese and I have been sleeping around on and off for weeks now. I know I know this sound terrible but I like the fact that we have to sneak around in fear of getting caught..

Last week we did it in the closet in my office, in his office more than once, the elevator and the first floor studio.

Nathan almost caught us. We were on the elevator and the doors started to open and I so happened to look up and seen Nathan so I got down off of Reese and played it as my dress was stuck in my panties and he went along with it. We played it off as well as we could.

As we stepped off the elevator Nathan pulled me to side and asked me if Reese tried anything. I look past Nathan to see Reese looking at me. I tell him no and walks to my office.

I'm starting to feel bad that I am lying to Nathan and to his face about everything. When he finds out or I tell him he is gonna be heartbroken but more importantly angry and betrayed at the fact that his girlfriend is sleeping with him now so called ex best friend.

Nathan and I haven't had sex in almost two months and I can tell it's killing him. I am blowing him off for Reese. A married, seductive man who probably doesn't give two shits about my feelings. I am screwing up something where someone really cares for me to sleep around with my boss. What the hell is wrong with me as of right now.

I lay my head on my desk trying erase the thoughts from my head. I groan as I hear a voice. I look up to see its Reese. I lift my head from my desk and I look at him. He looks at me and could tell something was wrong. I am about to kick him out but he puts his hands up in defense.

"I know I know. This is a lot on you......" He trails off closing the door. "I know that we been doing this for a while and I can tell you now the sex is amazing. I can tell that sneaking around like this is killing you and believe me I know you haven't been giving Nathan any and its killing him even more. So let me just say this if you want to end our little fun we have been having here I will be fine with it. It's just that Imma send you off with what we had one more time."

I nod understanding. It's a send off with something we had. It won't kill to do it one last amazing time. He walks over to me then stops. "We can't do it now. Stay after work and meet me in my office ok." I nod as he opens the door and walks out.

I go back to laying my head on my desk when Nathan walks in. I hope he isn't about to come in here with some bullshit. He closes the door as well but he sits down.

"Sam can I talk to you real quick."

I look up at him and nods.

"What is it Nathan."

He hesitates trying to see what he wants to say or how he wants to say it. I watch him run his fingers through his hair as he takes a deep breath.

I grow impatient as I huff and rolls my eyes.

"What is it Nathan. JUST SPIT IT OUT."

He sighs and says," Well you know that girl downstairs I work with."

I nod slowly, "The blood sucking vampire slut Rachel right...."

He nods,"Well ummmmm we have been sleeping around for a couple weeks now."

Whhhoooooaaaaa..... So I'm not the only one cheating here huh. I smirk and looks him in the face.

"So when did this first start."

He tries to think back and says," You remember the day I was sick."

I nod slowly.

"Ummm left a few minutes after you did and yeah."

Wait wait wait so Nathan had it planned out already.

"Sooooo how long did you have it planned out."

"Sam let me just get it off my chest. The two weeks I was getting upset with you every time I ran across you. I was fooling with her. She just made me feel some type of way."

He keeps talking on and on about it while I zone out. He was cheating before I ever thought about it. And with the slut Rachel. I don't know if I should be upset or spell the beams. I think telling him would be off the wall so I think getting upset then telling would be find.

"Sooooo ummmm why did you come in here and tell me."

He looks up at me before looking down to his lap and says," She might be........pregnant."

Ahhhhhhhh... that takes the cake right there.

I smile as I stand up walking out of the office.

I don't know whether to be mad or happy. I feel like a giant weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I walk to the elevator as I zone out but can hear Nathan calling my name.As I step into the elevator I lean against the wall pushing the button to the bottom floor as I watch the doors close as I watch Nathan try to reach out to me.

I lean my head back and smiles. I gonna fuck Reese and I'm gonna do it at my house just incase Nathan decides to come by. Oops I forgot he has a key. I'm such an evil bitch. I smirk as I step out of the elevator and walks out the front doors of Roger's Tower International with a smirk on my face.

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