01. the beginning

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Nineteen Years Ago

"Alright, one last push!" The doctor called out through the horrendous cries. "Keep pushing! The baby is almost out, keep going!" 

"I can't, I can't" she sobbed hysterically, her face red and sweaty from bearing down her body. The lights above her blinded her eyes and everything seemed to be happening all too quickly.  Tucking her chin down into her chest, she growled through the hardest push she could possibly give. The pain tore through her body with such intensity, it seemed almost terrifying that the human form could handle such great agony. 

"It's a beautiful little girl!" the doctor announced over the deafening cries of the baby she had just brought into the world. "Are you sure you don't want to see her?" 

"Just take her away! Please." she bawled through gasping breaths, burying her head into her own mother's shoulder. Her parents stood by in shock, her mother watching as they whisked the baby away and out of the room. 

She continued to cry into her mother's shoulder, feeling the familiar hands running through her hair. "You did so well, sweetheart. It's gonna be okay," her mother whispered the calming sentiments in her ear, barely able to hold back the tears of her own. 

"Ju-just make sure she goes to a good family," 

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"Katie!" David called up the stairs, aiming his voice towards his daughter's room. "I'm home!" He set his wallet and keys on the counter, opening the fridge and snagging some leftover take out from a week ago. One whiff of it and he knew it was spoiled. Tossing it in the trash, he fished through one of the kitchen drawers for a Chinese food menu.

"This is the one thing I hate most about moving. Having no food in the house." the sardonic voice of his daughter coming from behind scared him. He chuckles softly, passing her the food menu. 

Pieces of the Past - [Danona] Book One ✓Where stories live. Discover now