15. double date from hell

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"Dad... what are you doing here?" 

The atmosphere between the four of them had come to a complete halt. Total and utter silence engulfed them, able to hear a pin drop from a mile away. David glanced back and forth between Katie and her date, his jaw just as slack as the rest of them. 

"I think the important question is what the hell you're doing here, and who the hell that is." he nodded vaguely in the direction of Connor, who seemed as if he was trying not to melt into the floorboards out of fear. 

Katie looked at Winona with defeat and shock in her eyes. "You told him?" she asked incredulously, praying that the woman hadn't broken her trust. 

"I didn't say a word, I promise!" Winona put her hands up, defending the honor of her word. 

"You knew about this?" David roared at her angrily. "Why didn't you tell me that my daughter was dating some... I don't even know how to insult the damn kid yet!" 

"Alright, stop!" Katie shouted, pulling all of their attentions as well as half of the restaurant. "Dad, this is Connor. Connor, this is my dad... and apparently his girlfriend, Winona." She hadn't walked in expecting to see her father lip-locked with his co-star, even though she had been pushing them closer for months. In fact, she had been so preoccupied with her Connor debacle that she hadn't actually figured out the status of her father's relationship. 

 "Nice to meet you, Connor," Winona said, sheepishly reaching her hand out to shake the young man's. "I've uh... I've heard good things about you." she continued, shrinking into her shoulders as she watched David's expression look only more betrayed. 

"Pleasure to meet you as well, Ms. Ryder." Connor whispered as politely as possible, feeling incredibly small under David's furious gaze. An angry shade of red had painted his face as he continued to glare at both Katie and Connor. 

"Can— can we all just sit down and maybe talk about this?" Katie asked, trying to extinguish the metaphorical fire that they had all set. After a brief pause, David nodded slowly as he pulled out the chair next to him for her to sit down at. 

The older man bitterly grit his teeth as he watched Connor sit down in the seat next to Winona. He was a little taller than Katie, slightly smaller than he would've expected if he had any idea that this was going to happen. He probably would've felt more threatened if the boy didn't have a baby face with brown eyes and brown hair. 

Poor kid, he had no clue what kind of shit he just stepped in. 

"So... Dad," Katie exhaled. "Did you plan on telling me about you and Winona or were you just counting on me finding out this way?" she asked with a sarcastic tone, returning the same glare he had. 

"I didn't tell you because you've been distant. Who would've known it was because you were hiding this behind my back." David bit back, knowing that he was only fueling the fire of the inevitable argument between him and his daughter. 

Pieces of the Past - [Danona] Book One ✓Where stories live. Discover now