Chapter Seven

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"Y-You?" Peter cried, staring at the man with shock. "How is this possible! We defeated you?"

"Please. You only think you defeated me," Doctor Octopus said with a smile. "But I've been here the whole time."

"What are you talking about? What are you doing here?" Peter demanded.

"I'm here to take back my experiment Peter." Dr. Octavius said cruelly. Come with me peacefully and no one will get hurt."

"You're crazy!" Peter spit. "You can't hurt anyone here!"

"You're right. I can't." Dr. Octavius grinned before shooting knives from the inside of one of his arms at Peter.

Peter jumped out of the way, sticking to the arch above Steve and Bucky. Tony allowed his suit to form and he sent a repulsor blast at Dr. Octavius. "Ahh Mr. Stark. Lovely to see you again."

"Can't say the same for you," Tony snapped. "Run along before I make you caviar."

"I'm afraid I won't be leaving until I get what I came here for." Dr. Octavius said, shooting another round of daggers, this time at Tony.

"Yeah well you're not getting Peter so you should give up on that now." Tony said firmly. He shot another repulsor blast before shooting over to where Dr. Octavius stood and attempted to melt the arms of his body.

Dr. Octavius let out a screech of pain that had Tony recoiling in surprise. Weren't they mechanical? While Tony was distracted, Dr. Octavius lunged forward, using one of his arms to swipe out below Tony's feet.

Tony fell down just as the rest of the Avengers were getting up to fight. Peter quickly ushered any civilians they had at the wedding far away from the fight, before rushing back to help.

The fight was surprisingly more difficult then they would've thought. Peter thought that they would've won so quickly because the entirety of the Avengers as well as Black Panther and AntMan were all at the wedding, but Doc Ock was holding his own.

Peter shot webs at the man's arms, tying around them hoping to bring him down to the ground. It didn't work. Doc Ock broke the webs around his arms and clenched tightly to the end still connected to Peter and tugged.

Peter soared, the web longer causing Peter to go higher. He began to plummet towards the water. When he hit the water, a loud smack rang through the air. Peter fought to get his limbs to respond to him so he could breach the surface.

When his head cleared the water he took in a huge breath, coughing up the water that had gotten into his lungs. He couldn't have been in the water longer than a minute, yet it felt like his lungs were on fire.

He sluggishly swam to shore, his body feeling heavy like lead. Peter estimated that he had fallen from fifty or more feet and landed on the water at the wrong angle. Peter was lucky he didn't break any bones.

When he got to shore he saw that fight had escalated. Natasha and Clint were attacking Dr. Octavius's person while the rest were focused on the arms.

Peter ran towards them, webbing another one of his arms and quickly sticking it to the arch. He wasn't going to make the same mistake twice. Before the arm had the chance to break through the webs, Peter webbed two others, sticking them to the ground.

Natasha landed a swift blow to Dr. Octavius's head, causing his head to snap to the side just as Clint wrapped spare ribbon around his actual arms, rendering useless. Tony stalked up to him, anger pouring out of his very pores.

"What did you think you were going to accomplish here?" he demanded, pulling Dr. Octavius forward by his hair. "Huh?"

Dr. Octavius just smirked. "A distraction."

It was silent in the beach for a very long time while everyone tried to understand what he meant. A distraction? For what?

"What are you talking about, asswipe?" Tony demanded. Dr. Octavius merely chuckled. "Huh? Do you know something I know?"

Dr. Octavius looked at Peter who was leaning heavily against a pillar, his hands bracing his chest as he heaved in breaths. The fall had hurt Peter more than he thought, and now that the adrenaline was wearing off, Peter could feel the cracks in his ribs.

"You're looking a little winded, Peter," Dr. Octavius said. Heads turned in Peter's direction and Steve walked up to his son, Tony not leaving his post.

"Yeah, taking a fifty foot swan dive will do that to you." Peter snapped.

"I sincerely hope you're not blaming me for that." Dr. Octavius mock pouted. In response, Peter held up his middle finger. "Oh, naughty naughty."

Tony clocked him the nose, Dr. Octavius's nose breaking upon impact. "One: Never say that to my kid again or I won't be so nice. Two: Shut the actual fuck up!"

"I see the bad language runs in the family," Dr. Octavius said, Tony's threat not affecting him in the slightest.

"What are you doing here?" Natasha demanded. "We beat you once and we easily beat you again. Why would you willingly walk yourself into the lion's den?"

"I take it in your analogy you're the lions?" Dr. Octavius asked. Natasha didn't dignify that with a response. Dr. Octavius merely hummed and continued. "You see, in fact, I am the lion in this particular situation."

"Oh? And hows that?" Tony demanded. "You're grossly outnumbered and you have no way of escaping this time."

Instead of showing fear and resignation  like Dr. Octavius should be in his situation, he kept the same smug smile on his face and it was making Peter uneasy. Tony was just getting irritated at his lack of concern for the gravity of his situation.

"Why are you smiling like that, huh?" Tony growled. "You know something I don't?"

"You know, I have big plans, Mr. Stark." Dr. Octavius said. "And I will prevail, leaving all those who stand against me dead. In fact, I've already set an example." Dr. Octavius turned his head to face Peter. The grin on his face was psychotic and set Peter's senses on edge. "You know Peter, I have to admit, your aunt is rather lovely."

Peter's world stopped.

His vision tunneled and suddenly, all he could see was Dr. Octavius's smug grin and he saw red. He raced towards him, his hands curled tightly into fists, aiming to strike.

Steve reached forward, tugging his struggling son to his chest. "Peter! Peter, you need to calm down!"

"He has my aunt!" Peter screamed. "That son of a bitch has my aunt!"

Dr. Octavius grinned.

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