Chapter 3

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I swear to god I moved faster that I ever had before. I know it would be like weeks before we moved but I already had boxes packed. I was so excited. what if I got to meet Danny edge? I would freak out. omg what is Paul gonna think? will he be mad that were moving again? I hope not.

Wait...why was he in the counselors office today?


It was about 4:00 when Paul got home. I told mom I would be the one to tell him. I was kinda nervous to actually. I don't know what he would think.

"Hey Paul!" I said excitedly

"Why weren't you on the bus???? you scared me to death!" he almost yelled

"I'll tell you later but we kind need to talk." I said

"What is it sis?" he said while looking in the fridge

"Well there is two things. I wanna ask.....why were you in the councilors office today?"

" saw that?" He said kinda nervously

"Yeah, but Paul were twins you can tell me anything. what's going on?" I said

No one really knew we were twins. he is a year a head of me in school, mostly because I got held back in kindergarten.

"Let's go to are room. I hate it when mom try's to listen to are conversations." he said kinda sad like

We walked up the stairs and went to are room

"Ok there is this guy at school. and he keeps picking on me for liking this girl. and he won't stop bullying me. So I finally took it to the councilor. she's gonna help me out." he said

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?! Paul I care about you so much and I don't want you doing anything dramatic about it."

"Because I was scared you would interfere with it."

"Well yeah, but you kinda don't have to worry about it anymore...." I said

"Why?!" he asked

"Well we're moving again because I got expelled."

"Again?!!! omg I'm so tired of this crap you need to get your crap together!" he said anger

He stormed out of my room. he has never yelled at me like that. I actually felt hurt.

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