Chapter one- Mine

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Pinkie pie pov

     I sat up from my chair and rushed out the door. I went to my locker and felt a tap on my shoulder, looking behind me. I saw Rainbow dash, she was smiling at me all funny.

"Hey, baby,"Rainbow dash said, as I cringed in the inside.

Ok. Ok. This sounds horrible. But I can explain. *sighs* lame excuse, it was a dare. But one day, dashie had confessed that she loved me. Being best friends and all, I just didn't want to break her heart. It's wrong.

Because I love someone else

"Hey, Dashie," I Said as cutely as possible while giggling, because guys, and girls who possibly liked girls, liked that. Unless they call you cute, and treat you like a pet, they might have friend zoned you.

Rainbow dash kissed my lips and as I tried to kiss back... .. my frost kiss was supposed to be flutters..... but it's stolen...

"So I was thinking, we could go on a date!" Rainbow dash exclaimed, excitedly and happily,"do you know what today is?"

I smiled,"the day were ice cream had a big sale!"

"No silly," Rainbow dash said,"I'm being serious!"

"Oh ok," I Said wandering what she was talking about.

"It's our anniversary!"


"Did you forget?" Rainbow frowned.

   I looked shamefully in the ground. I never forget this type of stuff..... this is really gonna hurt her....


"Why?!" Rainbow dash screamed," Pinkie?! You never forget this type of stuff. What made you forget about it!!! I..... you better have a good explanation."

She crossed her arms, and I tried to think of an excuse,"I had a lot of work to do... because I been doing really bad in my grades..."

  That sounded nerdy!!!!

Rainbow snorted,"when did you care about  your grades!!"

Hey I could care!

"Anyway," Rainbow dash said meanly,"lame excuse. I was expecting something stupid though. You know coming from you, you probably say some weird party shit or something random or just.. weird in general...... pinkie you can be so annoying sometimes .. and so clingy! Even as a friend!!! Ugh!"

Sorry piece of shit!!! How could she even say she loves me? Why am I bothering with this?!

I laughed,"Yeah me too..."

"I just got a text about the soccer team. The date is cancelled," Rainbow dash said getting Of her phone, then leaving me.

   I was there left in silence. Like I was saying. I loved that girl i see in the corner right now. I walked towards her. The turquoise eyes, and the light pink haired girl, childhood friend of rainbow dash's, my beloved crush.

  Some part of me thought that her and Rainbow dash was so close. I was so jealous, of them. Because Fluttershy was mine. And maybe that was the reason why I am in a relationship with dash, so she can keep her hands off flutters.

"Hey, Fluttershy," I Said as my cheeks were already probably red.

"Hey, p-pinkie," Fluttershy Said as she was frowning," I heard what Rainbow dash said back there.... I just want to say that she probably didn't mean that."

"You must know,childhood friend." Still don't like the idea of that.

"I guess. But It's mostly because I don't think you are annoying..... I just can't see how she can say such a thing..."Fluttershy Said shyly as her cheeks were red.

"You are so cute when you blush!" I blurted out then I covered my mouth.

Fluttershy chuckled"it's ok. I don't think Dash would mind that."

"Really? If she doesn't mind..." and suddenly I felt my desire for her come in...

   I stepped closer to her, and start to put a flirty tone to my voice,"you are always cute."

  Fluttershys blush deepened and I felt myself squealing. I loved this. I love her!!!

   I went to her ear but made sure I was not being to flirty for us to be awkward the next day and never talk to each other.

"You not just cute....but you are pretty.. pretty hot.." I whispered quietly to her ear.

There was no one around. Just us in the end of the day. Fluttershy lowered her head as I heard her gasp.. a bit...

This was getting.... no ...

I have to control myself.

    Anyway, after we both had to go home. Apparently, Fluttershy told me she was going to hang out with Applejack. I felt myself tense around just the two of them hanging out. Applejack, better not touch her. I sure she wouldn't. But still.

No her stupid brother Big Mac can't touch her.

I heard around that Big Mac had a huge crush on her!! I will crush him!!

She is mine.

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