Chapter five- she knows

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I'm so sorry I haven't updating in awhile. I had writers block and finally I thought of something for this chapter. Hope you guys enjoy!

Pinkie pie POV

I risked it. Kissing her, Fluttershy, where my girlfriend, rainbow dash could have easily turned around and saw. Anyone could have easily saw us, and I would have.... looked like a very bad guy.

Do I regret it? Was it wrong of me to be a little thrilled? I feel kinda of thorn, because Dashie means a lot to me as a best friend but Fluttershy.. well I love her.

Anyway, it's a Saturday, and Rarity asked me to help with her at the boutique. I didn't want to be alone so ... of course I'm coming especially if she is my friend!

I enter in the boutique, and overheard a conversation. I squirmed very quietly, having the mad arguments go through my ears. I shouldn't be listening to them.

I gulped, as I saw an older woman walk out the door. Who is she? And what was that? Anyway, I waved my hand to Rarity and she huffed, then smiled to me.

"Hey pinkie," Rarity greets, as she trying to hide her anger or sadness within.

"Hey," I Said back.

I started to help her with organizing materials. I pretty good at organizing when I'm actually focused. I know people tend to think I'm not like that. Man I hate assumptions.

Fluttershys POV

How am I ever supposed to look at Rainbow dash and Pinkie pie the same? How could I do such things? I shouldn't. I shouldn't not do this. I have to tell pinkie pie to forget it. You know.... once she asks me about the kiss.

I heard the doorbell ring. I went up to the door and opened it. Surprise surprise, it was Rainbow dash. I made a shy smile.

"Uh is there anything you need, Rainbow dash?" I asked, feeling my quiet voice get out.

"No. You just left your jacket at the sleepover. Thought I return it, you know," Rainbow dash scratched the back of her head.

"Thank you," I said delightfully feeling grateful.

It was my turquoise jacket that I really loved and Rainbow dash knew that.

"Hey flutters," Rainbow dash questionably Said,"Me and Applejack is going to the cafe. Do you want to come?"

I stared up at her and shook my head,"I'm going to my volunteer work."

"Oh ok," Rainbow dash says,"bye then."

"Bye," I Said as she was leaving.

I grabbed my bag and left for the work.

Rainbow dash POV

My life isn't going so great recently. My mom is at the hospital currently and it isn't affecting my dad in a good way. He's been stressful and whenever we talk, he tells me to do better at my studies. So I feel pressured and I'm worried about my parents, especially my mom.

And I also, Well I know.

I went inside the cafe and sat down at the table where Applejack is. She had already gotten what I wanted, since this was our hangout spot,

I know.

I cupped my hands together and took a deep breath,"Applejack, I think pinkie pie is cheating on me."

Applejack choked on her drink, and snorted,"Are you telling meh a joke or something? Pinkie pie clings to ya."

"Explain the slumber party where I saw her and Fluttershy kiss," My voice turned angry and Applejack came to realization what my 'joke' meant.

"Her and fluttershy?" Applejack says,"pinkie pie and Fluttershy kissed each other."

I nodded subtly. She seemed surprised and I was too. She looked at me apologetically.

"Are ya gonna be ok?" Applejack asks in sympathy.

"That's not a question. You know that," I remarked,"I just need to let this out. I wander if they been doing this for awhile. Are they serious? Was it just a mistake?"

Applejack sighs,"are ya gonna confront them?"

"I don't know," I replied,"and I don't want to know."

"It could be a one time thing Rainbow. It could be a mistake," Applejacks says and continues,"but ya are beating yourself over this like they are in love and have a serious relationship. You don't deserve to be upset. Ya at least deserve the truth."

"I know. Thanks Aj," I smile to her, but it soon fades away,"I trust both of them. One is my girlfriend, and one is my best friend since childhood."

It hit me, how hard this is really gonna hurt.

"How's your mom?" Applejack asked and I shook my head which signalled that I don't want to talk about it, which told her there wasn't any good news.

"Anyway, you had something to talk about. What is it?" I asked miserably.

"Ugh Rarity won't leave her for me," Applejack groans and shakes her head,"Ahm thinking of cutting it off with her. I have no time for this. I have work."

"Who is this other girl Rarity has?" I asked curiously.

"Ah can't tell ya dat, sorry," Applejacks crosses her arms.

I cross my arms back,"what happened to telling each other everything."

"That was our relationship. This is our friendship. And now we are dating other people who have their fair share of secrets. Sorry Ah can't tell ya," Applejack sighs.

"You hate secrets," I say reminding her.

Applejack ignites and continues in her rant,"
I mean I feel so dumb going for someone who is already in a relationship and still that person won't leave her for meh. I think I'm that stupid side girl."

"Side girl?" I snort a little,"I wander if that's what Fluttershy is to pinkie pie."

"You are so passive aggressive," Applejacks states.

"Our lives suck," I state and groan.

She nodded her head in agreement.

We both got texts on our phones from pinkie pie and stared at each tiger worried. We rushed out for the cafe.

Something had happened to Twilight sparkle.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2019 ⏰

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