Chapter three- slumber party pt 1

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Pinkie pie pov

"I love her," I mumbled to myself , but I was in a relationship with someone else, it was none other than Rainbow dash.

  I told fluttershy yesterday. I wasn't thinking straight. I wonder how she was feeling. I don't think she loves me back. Or does she just not want to betray Dashie?

My heart clenched in a ball. Why did I tell her I love her!?!?!

  I was currently in my room, feeling crazy. I was alone and I hated being alone because I always get like this. My thoughts just go too deep about my love for her that I want it too much.

I found it weird that every time I felt insane my hair was straight.

I looked at my phone. Dashie was texting me. It looks like she was in a happy mood, this time.

Rainbow dash: Love ya, babe;)

    I touched my phone and texted back, love ya too.

I closed my phone and yawned.  I was gonna pass out on my bed for being tired. Sometimes in life, even the crazy can go to sleep. My eyes shut down.

The next day

It was the weekend!!! I invited everyone to my slumber party. And by everyone, I meant my closet friends.

I heard the door knock, and sat up my bed, then hurried to the door, and exploded whoever it was with my canon. Then I saw who it was.

It was Rainbow dash, my girlfriend, with Fluttershy, my love. I blushed. Haha I'm so awful for loving Fluttershy and blushing because of her and deceiving Rd at the same time.

  Then I saw Rarity and Applejack from behind bickering about something once again. Then Sunset shimmer and Twilight sparkle peacefully taking while they were at the very back.

Cool. They all came at the same time while paring up with somebody. It's not like I feel alone and betrayed or something.

"Hey, Pinkie pie," Rainbow dash put her arm around me, and I felt some tense feeling coming from somebody.

I glanced at Fluttershy and tried to read her eyes, but this girl was good at hiding. Her face lowered away and she avoided looking at me.

I hope I didn't......weird her out.

  Anyway we all settled down. Applejack and Rainbow dash started to grab the video game controllers, and started their never ending battle. Rarity was doing sunset shimmers hair while Twilight sparkle was talking with Sunset. While I started to ramble about my day to Fluttershy and she listened attentively.

You know, whenever I see her blush, it matches her hair colour, although sometimes it gets deeper. She was so fragile. I'm almost scared that anyone can take advantage of her. I grew silent.

"Flut-ter-shy," I clicked my tongue as I was poking her nose.

I pouted staring at her quiet elegant face. She was always not much of a talker but I talk a lot.

"Pinkie.." Fluttershy whimpered as I kept touching her nose, testing her fragile level.

Was I poking too much?

"You know my pet gummy is real cute," I Said bringing up conversation as my pet was something I really love to talk about.

"It's a very unique pet, and it's so adorable!"Fluttershy squealed and I chuckled.

• • •

We stopped doing whatever we were doing and decided to play truth or dare using a bottle. My daredevil girlfriend went first, as she spun the bottle around, it landed on Fluttershy.

I wander how this is going to go?

Fluttershy gulped as Rainbow dash smirked. I watched a little terrified what was going to happen.

"Truth or dare?" Rainbow dash asked.

"Truth,"Fluttershy replied softly.

"Who is your crush?"Rainbow sash asked.

My ears perked up as I stare at her curiously. Everybody was staring at her and I could tell it was making her nervous.

"I-" she tried to say.

"Spit it~" Rarity teased.

"Guys I don't think she is comfortable,"I Said out loud even though I really wanted to know. I cherish her smile and happiness, so I must risk it.

Fluttershy stared at me in amazement, as I could see a tint of blush on her cheeks. If only I could caress it, and kiss it. I would.

Rainbow dash sighed,"we been best friends since childhood. Why aren't you telling me?"

Rainbow dash looked at Fluttershy. And everybody was confused as was I. Is something going on between them?

"Sorry, flutters got carried away," Rainbow dash said.

"It's ok, Rd,"Fluttershy responded with a smile:

I felt tense for some reason. I wanted to know her crush badly, and I also wanted to know why she wasn't telling Rainbow dash her crush. Did she like rainbow dash?

No that can't happen.

"Well, maybe uh Applejack should spin the bottle this time," I said cheerfully.

Applejack spun the bottle. We all watched it kept twirling as it was spinning a lot.

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