Chapter two- a confession

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Fluttershy pov

      Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.  I have this guilt on me, for even allowing Pinkie pie to whisper to my ear like that. I blushed as I thought about it. My legs were shaken? But not in a scared way. In a way I could not describe....

     Anyway, it was lunch. I sighed as I put my tray on the table. Hopefully nobody noticed my sigh. Why was I sighing? Because every lunch I see them together and it makes me wanna cry...

  Pinkie pie and Rainbow dash was a couple that everyone adored in this high school. They were some sorta of power couple..that made me even want to cry more..

    Why would Pinkie pie not go for Rainbow dash? She is athletic, boyly(which is one of the big things), and funny...

   I'm just this girly, crybaby, who probably can't have a full conversation with anybody.

   I looked at her bubbly laughing with us in the table.

"Pinkie! Rainbow dash! You guys are just so adorable!" Rarity exclaimed as she was awwing.

Please, stop... don't remind me....

"Yeah! You guys are!"Sunset shimmer said excitedly.

No stop!

"You guys are perfect for each other," Twilight sparkle Said.

No! No! No! I can't handle this...

"Don't be so modest Twilight. We all know you and flash sentry is the power couple!" Applejack Said.

Thank whoever is helping this...

   I looked at Sunset shimmer as I heard her groan, and cross her arms... then she looked upset??

Why? Isn't she happy for Twilight and Flash?

"Yup!" Pinkie pie shouted.

"We will be them someday, babe!"Rainbow dash said towards pinkie pie.

   This is when I get up...

They all noticed right away.

"Are ya ok, sugarcube?"Applejack asked towards me.

   All my friends had worried glances.

"Yes, I'm alright. I'm just gonna go to the washroom," I lied.

    I said that, and left out of the cafeteria. I went out the hallways. It was all empty. But I found a very empty one. Where no one had there locker at...

   I sat slowly down. Then brought my knees slowly to my chest, as I lowered my head, and the tears start to was stinging my face but it felt good to let it out... real good to just get this off my shoulders....

"Why are you crying?" I heard a familiar voice that lit up my world...

I looked above me and it was Pinkie pie. I wiped my tears, and she sat beside me..

One of pinkie pies perks she always notices and comes to me.

"No reason,"I lied,"just stress."

Pinkie pie looked at me with a worried glance. Then she put her hands on my back and start to rub back felt lighted, and I slightly blushed from the contact she was giving me.

"You can tell me anything," Pinkie pie said with a whimper.

Why did she had to do such a cute whimper?!

I chuckle,"thanks for always... checking on me... you are always so... wonderful."

"Aww!! Thanks you!!! But you are always so beautiful and kind... and Caring!" She said with a giggle.

I love her giggles.

How can she even say stuff like that about me?

I just smiled at her. My thoughts were suddenly happy. It just felt liked the two of us. Again. She wrapped her arms around my arms, as she start to rub on my arms.

Ahhh! My cheeks were sooo heated!! And I think I slightly moaned quietly.

"Fluttershy?" Pinkie pie said.

"Yes, pinkie?" I responded.

"Do you ship sunset shimmer and twilight? Have you seen the dirty glances Sunset gives when flash is with twilight?" Pinkie pie exclaimed,"I ship it!"

"Yeah. It's the first thing I notice,"I Said with a smile.


"Yes, pinkie?"

"I love you," Pinkie pie said bluntly, and I gasped a little.

It must mean as friends.

"I love you too," I replied.

  As I was tense.

"Maybe we should head back to our friends," I Said quietly, as I tried to stand up, but pinkie pie had a strong grip...

Was she purposely trying to keep me down?

No... I must me mistaken.. why would she?

"Sure," She said letting go of me.

   We both returned to our seats. My heart was racing from that...

"I love you, babe," Rainbow dash directed to Pinkie pie.

"I love you too,"Pinkie pie said as she was looking directly at me, as if she was taking to me....

Am I being paranoid?

She doesn't love me.

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