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Oh, I think you're better off looking alone
Cause the boys that chase your hips can just go find their way home
And at the end of the day you think to yourself
"My body is a product being sold on a shelf."
Tell me I can change

She kept up her reputation when she was single. In the rare occasion that she dated, her social position turned to smithereens, its dust leaving a path behind her relentless soul.

As always, there were the men that were desperately trying to get her in a secluded area, but no matter how revealing her clothes were, she never let them touch her. She had the world in the palm of her hand.

There were few dubious times, when she wanted to give in, let them do as they wish, because she was sick of the attention she received and wanted to put a stop to it. But she stayed strong. She ended her one-way debate with the conclusion that it would put more pressure if she obliged, she'd have to measure up to their high expectations, set by other girls.

Her life was show, games and tragic love stories, which she didn't really even invest in. They were all arranged, it was nice to see "such a good looking girl, with the qualities of a good girl, with a famous celebrity who normally shags and leaves" according to whoever's turn it was to set her up.

She wanted to change all that, she'd come to me crying and saying "tell me I can change, I mean nothing to anyone, I'm just another notch in whoever I meet's bedpost" i obviously told her that what she was saying wasn't true and even if they wanted her for her body, which she didn't put up for sale, I was there for her. I loved everything about her, it's a shame all good things have to come to an end. It's what's best for everyone. If you get too attached to a good thing you'll get accustomed to it and if life suddenly takes a turn for the worse you'd be left stranded in the cold, on the hard, dark pavement.

We're not in heaven. This is how I live life, how she lived life and most likely how you live it as well. Only the best of the best go up to the 'land of which shall not have sins'. The rest of us go down to good 'ol Lucifer, the fallen angel who knows every trick in the book, there's no outsmarting him. The lucky ones get sent to the purgatory, and it's still a mystery who sent them and why there were summoned to go there.

You're A Mess || Tony Perry ✔️Where stories live. Discover now