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Well I know you lay in bed
Contemplating your own death
Well, just look at what you've done
Don't you dare forget the sun, love

There were countless nights where she lied in, completely stiff. If I didn't know better I'd think she was dead. But it was just her way of reflecting on her life and whether she should stay or not. It was times like those that made me think how vulnerable we were as people, as a race, as a country, as a whole motherfucking planet. We were so accustomed to our life being carved for us, by our elders, by authorities who knew nothing better, that we didn't even stop to think what our world has come to be.

Every time she went into one of her little moods, she brought at least one person with her. And it was usually me that she brought down, since she didn't  trust many of the people she knew. And I can't blame her, honestly. I should just be grateful that she at least took interest in me and, at that time, my reckless spirit.

With her, there were many sleepless nights, well over one hundred, I'd say. Whether we just sat on her roof and looked at the stars, or binge watched stupid shows on Netflix, like Riverdale or Stranger Things, we'd end up having a blast. That was the thing with her, why so many people were attracted to her. It was almost like she had some sort of magic inside of her that made whoever she was in the company of have fun and not think about the consequences.

I don't know why she chose me. I asked her one day and she simply said, "you've got something in you that I've never seen before." Which left me confused, but she was quick to change the subject, by asking me about my tattoos. You could say that they were a hobby of mine, I loved how the intricate designs weaved their way up my skin and around my body. The feeling was mutual apparently, she'd often find herself tracing my tattoos, neither one of us saying a word.

I constantly asked her which one was her favourite, but she stated that she couldn't have a favourite, they were all too beautiful. I had an inkling that she was partial to the water balloon on my side, though. She'd often want me to tell her the story of how it came to be and then started giggling at my stupidity at the time. What can I say? Alcohol does shit to you that you don't even realise.

You're A Mess || Tony Perry ✔️Where stories live. Discover now