Unlikely Visitors

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Anna made her way up the steps of the apartment complex, tearing away her white cloth cap from her head. She pushed away her strawberry blonde strands of hair from her face as they fell from her messy bun at the base of her neck.

Nearing the room she shared with her two older sisters, she couldn't help but wonder what Queenie was going to be making for dinner as her stomach growled. She also questioned whether Tina was going to be home or not.

Ever since losing her position at MACUSA, Tina never was quite the same, a bit different from her usual self.

Turning the corner, Anna made the last stretch down the hallway to the door where she grabbed hold of the knob. She could hear Queenie speaking out in a worried tone from inside.

And with a puzzled face, Anna continued to turn the knob. Opening the door, she found herself face to face with a man she didn't recognize.

Startled, she jumped backwards with a small squeak and widened her eyes greatly. The man before her was several inches taller than her. She couldn't exactly tell, but she figured she'd only be able to reach his shoulders. He had curly auburn hair that fell to the side that his head seemed to be bent towards. There were freckles littering across his face and a curious nature to his bright green-blue eyes.

Taking in her shocked expression, the man before her held the door open and watched her. She took a deep breath and nervously said with a strained voice, "Um . . . Queenie!" She couldn't take away her panicked eyes from the tall thin man's.

Within an instant Queenie appeared, sticking her head around the frame of the doorway, "Anna, dear!" She moved into her full view and grabbed her younger sister's hand, pulling her into the room sharply.

Anna then gasped as she was shoved into the corner by the window, across from the tall man she ran into.

"Queenie, what's going on?" she had a confused face that held hidden anger in her features. She wasn't one to get angry fast, but this was breaking the rules, and she didn't like breaking the rules.

Queenie sighed, slightly high-pitched as she watched her sister's subtle features, but only responded once the man shut the door behind them. "Please don't be angry, Anna," she said, fumbling with her fingers.

Anna gave a slight exasperated look, still aware that there was a stranger present. However, she was again surprised to see that there was yet another man sitting in their home.

This one was slightly larger with dark hair and mustache. He was on the sofa near her with a clear sheen of sweat glistening across his forehead. He smiled at her, making his rosy cheeks evident, and she could tell that he seemed a little out of it.

Tina was standing over by the small kitchen, arms folded and leaning against the wall. Anna tried to give her a widened frustrated look, trying to say 'You-know-this-is-breaking-the-rules.' However Anna instead turned a speculating eye towards Queenie, whispering sharply, "There are men in our house! There's not supposed to be men in our house, Queenie."

She hoped the two strangers didn't hear her harsh comment, but everyone in the space was obviously very engaged in the exchange. Anna wasn't one to talk much, and situations like this gave her terrible nerves. She resorted to rubbing and twisting her fingers in front of her.

Tina spoke up with a bored sort of voice, almost tired, "It's a long story, Anna. Mr. Scamander over there decided to lose some important luggage from his case. Landing this No-Maj here - he's sick and we're helping him."

Anna gapped her mouth and turned to the man on the couch, "He's a No-Maj!"

Queenie, reading Anna's obvious nerves, tried to lighten the mood. She changed her concerned features to her bright smile, "It's not as bad as it seems, Anna." She twiddled her fingers as she floated towards the No-Maj.

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