Any Means Necessary

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The case had become eerily quiet in the next half hour. Some of the creatures had become a bit anxious and sought out Anna for comfort. She noticed that within the last day Pickett had decided to abandon her for Newt and she felt slightly lonely without the twig in her pocket.

The Niffler cuddled in her lap as the Mooncalves huddled near her with Frank watching protectively over them. She tried to release the tension in her shoulders, but couldn't shake the fact that something was going horribly wrong on the surface.

If they truly were in MACUSA it was only a matter of time before they decided to come searching Newt's case. He was probably in a complete tizzy over the possibility that his creatures would be confiscated or hurt. Perhaps Jacob was in the right to tell her to stay.

Soon her suspicions became reality as a clang from the shed caught her attention. She stood and hushed the beasts surrounding her, ushering them to hide away.

As she rounded a corner she heard the distinct voice of Mr. Graves, "My God, look at this place. I believed what he reported to be a joke. Spread out and bring back anything suspicious." 

Anna heard footsteps as the Aurors proceeded to fan out into the case. She felt instant fury as she thought about the number of frightened beasts as these intruders invaded them.

Within a few minutes a cry was made in a far direction, "Sir! I think I found something."

Everyone, including Anna, ventured over to the enclosure. The one that held the contained Obscurus.

Graves became fascinated, "Well done, Abernathy. Who would think someone as scrawny as that Scamander would harbor such a dangerous creation. We'll bring it up and see what he makes of it." He began to stretch his hand towards the orb and Anna made her move.

"Don't touch it! You'll set it free."

Graves whipped towards her, "Seize her! Goldstein - I should have known, hanging around that wizard so often. You must've been a part of his schemes. Did you take part in the destruction of the city as well?"

Aurors gripped her arms as she struggled, "Nothing in this case is dangerous, Graves. They're simply frightened. Now, if you don't mind, I don't want an untamed Obscurus rampaging about in here, so kindly retract your hand from the parasite."

Graves whistled, "You've become a feisty one, haven't you? Medical leave has done wonders for your temper. I think there's still more information in you yet - something about Grindewald perhaps. Take her upstairs to interrogation - we'll get her to talk."

Anna fought with all the strength she had, but with her wand taken she was powerless against the strong Aurors guiding her. She was thrust out of the case and dragged down numerous hallways, now bound by an invisible force around her wrists.

They past a series of doors that led to prison cells. Within them were many people in various stages of sorrow. At the end of the row she spotted some familiar faces.

"Tina? Jacob? Is that you Newt?"

The three of them snapped to the bars of their cell, clutching the metal with slight panic in their features. Newt did not appear as cold as he was before.

"Are you alright?" he asked; Anna thought she saw fear in his searching eyes. "They didn't hurt you?"

She was persistently pushed along, "For now. And your case is unharmed. The only creature they took was the Obscurus!" She yelled behind her as another door was opened.

There was a simple pair of chairs and a table before her; an interrogation.

She was roughly placed in one of the seats and Graves rounded the corner to the other one. The Aurors surrounded the walls, guarding the dimly lit room.

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