Fallen Deep

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Anna opened her ocean blue eyes, blinking from the light coming in through the open window. Sitting up, she stretched her arms – the short top of her pajamas lifting and showing off a bit of her stomach.

The wand resting on her bedside table vibrated and flashed blue at the tip. She grabbed it in a panic and the flashes of color ceased. Hopping up from her bed, she pulled back her hair into a low bun.

Queenie was still laying down, sleeping like an angel. She always laid peacefully on her back, somehow still seemingly perfect and breathing lightly. Tina was missing, most likely already up and avoiding everyone after the argument they had had.

Anna stood and straightened out her covers, a bit more quickly than usual, and changed her clothes to sneak out of the room. She sped lightly down the hallway and into the kitchen, immediately running right into a rushed Tina.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Anna whispered.

Tina didn't look up at her, but continued walking towards the coat rack to grab her jacket, "I have to go to MACUSA. Someone called."

With that she left without another word, shutting the door behind her gently. Anna looked after her with a sigh, but moved on towards the bread basket of the counter for a roll.

Turning around and taking a bite, she waved her wand – the white apron and cap of her uniform placing themselves on her.

She ran over to the hallway once again to ready herself in the bathroom, only to find herself bumping right into Newt. He had on a new vest and his suitcase at his side.

"Ah – Hi Newt!"

His face immediately split into a wide grin, "Good morning, Adelaide."

She paused for a moment, then turned her gaze toward the ground, "Did you sleep well? I realize you're still worried about your creatures."

"I slept fine. H-How's the cut on your forehead?" He turned his gaze up to the bandage and she lifted a hand to it.

"I almost forgot about that," she smiled. "I guess that means its fine."

They stood there for a long while, staring at the floor, unable to start up another conversation.

"Soren called. I'm needed at the hospital a bit earlier than usual. I really need to go."

Newt dropped his subtle smile and moved his free hand to the back of his head, playing with the ends of his hair. "Of course. I-I'm going to go searching for my creatures. I – I am sure they are missing their home."

Anna nodded and stepped to the side to let him go, but remembered something, "Oh, Newt! Your coat - I never gave it back to you." She ran back into her room and came out with it over her arm. She handed it to him and gave a twinkling eye, "Good luck. I hope you find your creatures."

He snuck another smile, but kept his eyes down as he walked over to the front door, watching out for the land lady as he went out.

Anna rubbed her fingers together and found herself watching the door longer than was necessary.

Apparating to the front desk of the hospital, Anna raced over to the receptionist and took out her wand. When she reached the table, it immediately began flashing a deep blue color; it was now sparking.

The brunette receptionist didn't look up from her paperwork, but let Anna's wand do the telling. The bright blue sparks sprang down and created a pathway for her to follow. It trailed through hallways and Anna ran after it, her healer's apron flapping behind her.

To her horror, the spark led her right to little Sarah's room. The small light hovering at the entryway. 

She slammed open the door and crashed in to find Soren already there. He was waving his own wand over the child; a glittering golden spell covered the girl, seemingly pulsing like a heartbeat.

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