An Ocean's Breeze

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The following morning, it felt as if the mission to find the lost creatures had been put on hold as the air of the apartment resembled that of a quiet Sunday afternoon.

Anna was quietly eating her breakfast at the dining table a bit later than she normally would have while everyone else was bustling about - getting ready for a fun day out.

Queenie and Tina were helping each other with their coats and Jacob was smoothing out his vest. "Hey, Anna, we were wondering if you'd like to go out with us. We're going . . ."

Newt then, suddenly, walked out from the hallway with his dark teal coat off and his sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

"Ah – Newt, we're going to go looking around some of the pastry shops in town. Do either of you want to come?" He asked, gesturing between Anna and Newt.

"No, I'm alright today," Newt said, putting his hands in his pockets. "I'd rather do some work." He gave a sideways glance towards the oblivious Anna.

Jacob immediately nodded, agreeing a bit more quickly than Anna would've expected after Newt's statement. "Alright, that's fine. Anna?"

She looked up from her oatmeal and smiled warmly at Jacob, "No, thank you. I think I would like an easy day at home."

Queenie grinned enthusiastically and looked between her sister and Newt rapidly, "Alright then, you two have fun while we're gone." She practically danced out the door.

Tina followed her younger sister to the doorway, but grabbed the frame before she left, "But not too much fun."

Anna blushed immediately for some reason and refused to look up at Newt. Instead she chose to glare at her sister, still angry about the night before at the restaurant.

Jacob continued to shuffle out the door somewhat awkwardly keeping a strange smile on his face. The whole conversation lasted only about a minute and Anna turned to her meal once again, laughing to herself at the way they all seemed a little over the top about seeing some pastry shops.

After another spoonful of her oatmeal, Anna became painfully aware that Newt was staring directly at her. Based on what had happened the night before, she figured he was just being his usual awkward self. It took him a couple of seconds before he actually said anything at all.

"Um . . . It's Friday."

"Yes it is," Anna said, taking a drink of her orange juice and giving Newt a sideways glance.

"Why aren't you at work?"

Anna placed her glass down and smacked her lips, "I have the day off today."

"Oh." He then said nothing again for another long while as Anna used her wand to magically fly her dishes to the sink to be washed later. But he did finally speak, "Then, can I show you something?"

She gave him a quizzical look, "Show me what?"

However, at that exact moment, someone knocked at the door and Anna rushed for it with a smile on her face. When she did open the door, it turned out to be Soren. He was standing on the doorstep with a nicely fitting vest and jacket. In one hand he had a single pretty pink carnation flower.

"Oh, hello Soren! What are you doing here?"

The young man shuffled his feet side to side, gripping his free hand into a fist, "Hi, Anna. I – well, I was wondering if perhaps you'd like to go out today." He had a hopeful smile and a glint in his eye.

"Go out?" Anna asked, leaning against the doorframe, scrunching her brow, but smiling nonetheless.

Soren blinked a few times before stumbling out, " Oh, um . . . Out – out with me, today. I knew you had the day off and I convinced the Head Healer to let me get it off too."

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