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Yoongi waddled over to his phone, having been disrupted from his coloring activities by the intrusive ringing of the device.

Unsure how to work the device in such a young headspace, he merely tapped on the green button, finding the color appealing to his childish gaze.

To his surprise, a familiar voice came from the speakers, and the Little gurgled happily once more.



Taehyung blinked once.

Then twice.

What. The. Hell.

He opened his mouth.


Yoongi hung up the phone.

. . . .

To say that Yoongi felt humiliated was an understatement. No, in fact, he merely knelt down by the table and covered his face, willing the Earth to swallow him whole at that very moment.

He wasn't sure what had possessed him to answer the damned phone to begin with— in Little space, he hesitated to talk especially with strangers. Hesitated to deal with foreign noises.. anything unusual to him.

But something about Taehyung, despite being a man he's never met before in his headspace, set little Yoonie's caregiver alarm off.

Yoongi glared at Baba, as if the stuffed tiger had done something to make him answer the phone before sighing and turning the TV off, the sound of Dora The Explorer now suddenly making him feel nauseous after the turn of events.

Too bad Taehyung was probably confused as hell now.

Should he call him back and explain?


Should he call him back and make up some random story that he knew the younger would undoubtedly buy without question?

Tempting, but nah.

Maybe he should wait until Taehyung forgets, which would mean..

"Well, fuck," he groaned in defeat, dropping his head to the table.

. . . .

The next day, Taehyung found himself standing in front of the older's door.

Of course, sleeping the prior night had been troublesome with all of the questions swimming in his head, but that was his hyung— regardless of what happened, he needed some way to remind him of his existence.

Somehow, only Yoongi's presence gave him comfort.

After his tenth knock, however, Taehyung's phone blared, Jimin's voice screeching through the speakers.

"Where are you? I've been waiting by the gates for an hour!" His best friend scolded. "Class starts in 20 minutes, dumbass!"

With a deep sigh and one last hesitant glance to the door, Taehyung turned away and began to run.

. . . .

"Don't you think mr. Kim's kinda hot?" Jimin whispered to the brunette, who blankly twirled his pencil before turning to give him a disgusted look in response.

"He's old!" The younger watched the man in question as he typed on his computer, entering last minute assignments in the gradebook.

Jimin gasped in horror.

"Excuse you! He's not that much older than us. He just graduated early."

"Okay, but it's still illegal to try and get into your teacher's pants," Taehyung hissed back, looking away with a grimace when mr. Kim raised his head and glanced directly at them as if he had heard everything.

"So? He's just our music teacher."

"...Jimin, music class is still a class."

Jimin groaned and rolled his eyes, huffing. "Maybe I should just pursue my dreams of marrying that handsome man I saw.."

"— How about I talk to mr. Kim for you?" The younger suddenly interjected, the recent events swimming around his thoughts. He can't have anyone near his hyung until he figured out what last night was.

Jimin stared at his best friend for a moment, having realized something was up between the two from their phone call but not really prodding. He would have to wait until Taehyung confided in him directly.

Until then.. maybe he can tease the younger some more.


. . . .

"Hyung, you alright?"

Yoongi glared at his work computer, not minding the unwarranted entrance of his friend in his studio.

"None of your business," he grumbled in response, playing the audio again before sighing in disapproval and taking his headphones off, rolling his chair away.

"You know I can help if you need," Namjoon offered cautiously, leaning on the couch as he removes his tie.

"I'm good," Yoongi muttered bitterly in response, finally casting a glance at his friend. "What's up with you? You're smiling so much. It's weird."

The other chuckled and shook his head.

"Two kids in class today kept watching me the entire time."

Yoongi raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh?"

"Yup," The taller male ran a hand through his hair. "They were whispering, but they didn't seem to know how loud they were being. Called me hot and everything."

Yoongi snorted.

"They're probably going blind. Or desperate," he responded teasingly before rolling his chair back to the computer. "Anyways, Hoseok said he's gonna be late because cleaning up after his shift takes a long ass time. Thought you were gonna be, too, since you always lose your keys but good to know you brought them this time around."

Namjoon shot an offended gaze to the other.

"I don't lose them that much!" He sighs dejectedly. "Alright, maybe I do.. but it's gonna be a club night, then?"

"Mhm. Time to get drunk off my ass and forget this shitty week ever happened," Yoongi murmured to himself.

And forget what happened with Taehyung.

Little did he know, the same Taehyung he was running away from would be sitting outside his apartment for the entire night, just waiting for him.

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