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Double update!

Yoongi would never admit it, but he had left his night-out with Namjoon and Hoseok because he couldn't afford to let Taehyung see him drunk off of his ass. At least, not until he was also old enough to drink as well, because Yoongi wanted to be the last person to negatively influence his habits.

So before he could help himself, he walked home in the cold, not bothering with how the wind seemed to cut into his skin as he ventured towards the apartment complex.

His eyes only bulged out of his skull when he found Taehyung's familiar form slumped against the bench out in the freezing cold.

"Tae?" No response.

When the younger' eyes remained closed, Yoongi did his best to carry him into his unit, grateful for the warmth the heater brought before making his way towards his bedroom to place him down in the messy nest of comforters.

"Holly," he murmured as the puppy came into view, running towards Taehyung. "Don't bother him. He seems to have fallen asleep, this idiot.."

Yoongi sighed as he traced Taehyung's face, fingers lingering on his cold cheek. The proximity was not one he would initiate had the younger been awake, but it was just Yoongi and his conscience now— and the guilt that flooded him for having avoided the boy for so long. Yoongi would never admit it, but his heart suddenly swelled with something he didn't want to acknowledge, something he didn't want to comprehend.

After all.. Anything that was his, just wasn't worth the effort of understanding. Especially his heart.

When Taehyung latched onto his arm in his sleep and pulled him down beside him, Yoongi could only smile and situate himself where he was dragged.

He would never admit it, but he was grateful that Taehyung was asleep.. so he can press his lips as tenderly as he could against his forehead and act as if nothing had happened at all.

. . . .

"Hyung, you're squishing me.." were the first words Yoongi heard in the morning as he felt himself entangled in a sea of incredibly warm blankets.

Wow, I should get more of these, he thought. Where did I even buy these blankets?


Yoongi rubbed his eyes, his voice coming out raspy with sleep as he was slowly coming to terms with his fate of waking up earlier than he was used to, not being able to throw a temper-tantrum about it given the familiar voice.

...Familiar voice it is, and its owner has his arms wrapped snugly around him.

So they weren't blankets? How disappointing..

He gazed up to see Taehyung's scrunched-up morning face, hair strewn in different directions, and Yoongi almost cooed at how adorable his unintended pout was, if he hadn't realized that he had been curled up against the younger's chest cozily, his own arms trapping Taehyung's waist in one tiny Yoongi sandwich.

The older's face immediately turned red as he made an attempt to pull away, only to be pulled back into his arms tighter this time.

Taehyung had the nerve to smirk.

Damn kids and their basketball arms..

"Now you can't run away from me anymore, hyung," the younger murmured, brown eyes swirling with something Yoongi can't quite pinpoint. Was it disappointment? Triumph? Both?

Still, Yoongi couldn't bear to see it, merely because he didn't want to assume anything of the unpredictable Taehyung. So he sighed and remained still, pressed so tightly against the brunette's chest that he could almost hear his heartbeat if he had strained his ears for it.

"..What do you want now, Taehyung?" The elder muttered in defeat, anticipating the younger's response.

'For you to get the hell away from me, you weirdo', maybe?

"The truth."

Yoongi looked up and blinked, taken aback by Taehyung's forwardness and lack of hesitation.

"I want your truth, hyung. And I want nothing less."

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