Kisses (Theodorus x Reader)

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You were currently sitting in the library reading a book about how all of these famous people from the past have changed over time and how differently the books describe them compared to how they act now and how they really acted back then. With how lost you were in your book you didn't realize that someone had just walked into the library.

"What are you reading?" They asked.

"Gah!" The question caught you off guard and you jumped a little in your seat.

You turned in your seat to see Theodorus standing in the door way looking at you expecting an answer from you.

"Uhhhh I'm just uh, doing some... reading. About stuff. Reading stuff in this book. So, yea."

Oh my goodness I feel so stupid now that I've said that.

Theo just stared at you for a hot second and walked into the library followed by him shutting the door.

"Well, What kind of a response is that?" Theo interrogated.

I knew it sounded stupid...

"Um, it's just that- what I'm reading... well it has to do with you and a little bit about your brother." You decided to just simply come right out and say it instead of stupidly hiding it.

"Really? What part are you reading?"

What? Has he read this book already?

"Before you came in I had just read about how with your emotional and financial support your older brother Vincent was able to devote himself to painting. You had also... "died" at the age of 33 six months after Vincent died at 37." You answered.

"Hm. That part has recently made me feel sad. Don't know why. Also how people get so much things wrong and twisted up about history used to bother me too but now I don't really care." Theo said.

"So was the part true about how your brother usually ignored his mental health, delusions, his physical health and the fact that he cut off his own ear-"

Theodorus cut you off by saying, "I can say that with 100% certainty that those facts are-" Before Theo could finish, Isaac suddenly walked into the room while eating an apple.

"..." He just stared at us as he munched on his apple and completely decided that what he wanted to do probably wasn't that important once he saw us and closed the door back up leaving the library.

"..." Theodorus stayed silent as he watched the door.

"..." You did too.

Why is it so quiet now?

Wanting to break this unnecessary silence you spoke, "Uhm... What did you come into the library for?"

He turned back to you and answered, "Sebastian told me that he saw you coming in here after he told you that you completed all of the things he needed you to do."

Feeling as though you already knew the answer you asked anyway, "Hm? Oh, uh, so were you looking for me?"

"Yes." Answered Theo.

"Why for?"

He shrugged and said, "I just wanted to see you."

Just wanted to see me? But why?!

You held back the urge to just come right out and ask him so you casually said, "Oh, really...? Hmm. Why. For?" That last part you said slowly trying not to ask it but failing.

Aaaand I couldn't. Oh well.

"...I love you and I don't even really know why." He bluntly said.

Not knowing what to say you avoided his gaze nervously and cleared you throat. Theo also avoided you gaze and when you looked back at him you could see faint specs of pink dusted across his face. The sight made you smile and then eventually laugh a little bit.

But Theo misunderstood the meaning behind you laugh and said, "I- I understand that you don't love me back. I'll just leave you to read your book now."

Just as Theo got up and opened to door just a crack you quickly moved past him, closing it shut once again.

"I'm not laughing because I don't love you back because I do Theodorus." You assured him.

Theo glanced back at you and murmured, "Good."

Then he turned around and lifted your chin and kissed you. It took you by surprise but you still kissed back after a few seconds. Nothing was more important to you in that moment except for him and his sweet lips pressed up against yours. Finally the two of you pulled apart and you stared into Theodorus's gorgeous eyes not wanting to look away, but you knew you had to say something.

"That was... good."

He looked at you and spoke, "Just good?"

A faint smirk appeared on your face as you replied, "Yeah. You know it could have been longer and you could have made that kiss more enjoyable."

"Heh. Okay I'll do better next time."

Right then you could hear Vincent calling out for his brother.

"I have to go now. Look forward to the next time we meet." And with that Theo opened the door to the library and left just as quickly as he came.

...Wait. That might not have been the best way to phrase that last sentence.

6:58 PM

While humming a song you were also baking a batch of cookies.

They smell delicious! And I made them a little bigger so that I can enjoy it more.

Once the cookies were done you took them out of the oven and set them down as you waited for them to cool off a little bit. As soon as you knew they were cool enough to eat you quickly took a bite out of a cookie.

"Oh it tastes so good! It's so big!" You said to yourself aloud.

You felt arms wrapping around your waist and you turned around to see Theodorus standing there.

"Oh! Hi Theodorus!" You kindly greeted.

"You know for a second I thought there was another guy in here with you because of what you said." Theo randomly stated.

"Huh? How did you think that- Oh, I know how."

You recalled what you had said and blushed remembering it.

Oh it tastes so good. It's so big!

Cringing at the recent memory you shook your head to clear the thoughts and looked back at Theodorus.

"Well you know that I love you already so there's nothing you need to worry about if you ever hear something like that... especially if it's coming from the kitchen." You claimed.

Theo gave you a quick kiss on the lips and said, "I know. But I still worry about you. Anyway, how about that real better kiss?"

Follow me on Instagram @ikemen_wolfgang

Up next:
Arthur x Reader
Jean x Reader
When MC Has Weird Food Cravings

^Look forward to that last one^

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