about her

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Sounds weird since my character doesn't have a face claim at the start. But the point for that; is that I don't like face claims, I don't like face claiming my books with famous people or random people you find on the internet, that's just me I personally don't like reading books with face claims of famous people or people in general. (NOTHING against anyone who likes books with face claims, this is just my preference) 

I like letting others imagine their own character and I mean by this is. (i'm just making a character up) yes i give you semi looks of the character i made but there's no real face claim that you can claim until i ever get someone to draw them for me, or some how i can draw them, but i can't draw people to save my life. 

I like others to imagine their own black haired, blue eyes, 5’5 feet tall, 17 or 21 year old character.  (If you also want to imagine my character as another skin color that's fine, I'm fine with that) Yes, what I imagine is going to be different than yours. That's the point.

Yes, I do know that some people can't imagine a character without a face claim and that's totally fine, but all I’m asking for is that you don't comment; face claiming my characters with famous people or random people from the internet. I don't like it. Sorry if this sounds rude but it's really annoying. 

Again it's fine if you have to imagine a face claim for my books but please don't comment on it. I'm sorry if that's annoying and all but I don't know what else to say to just respect what I ask for. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this quickly. 

About her

Katherine Winchester

Related to Dean and Sam. Dean is Katherine dad and Sam is her uncle.

Name, Katherine Mary Winchester
Age, 18
Hight, 5'5
Weight, 106.7
Hair; black
Eyes: blue

7Hair; blackEyes: blue

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