This is an old, none edited book, i do have an edited one though,
Name is: The Batkids Soulmate Book
Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian falls in love with their soulmates. But how is it going to work when they find out they have the same soulmate. How is...
Katherine and dean slowly follow Jade to the door. Jade had her gun ready, she looks through the peep hole.
Jade smiled and gave Dean the gun. "Go hide this, I know these people" she whispered. Dean walked back into the kitchen and hide the gun where it was before.
Katherine stood behind her Aunt as she opens the door. The door flew open wide. Katherine eyes went wide. Both of her mates from last night stood there.
"Dick, Jason what a surprise, what are you doing here?" Jade asks loudly. She wraps her arms around them before ushered her friends in.
Katherine stood frozen in one spot. She didn't know what to do.
Jason POV. After talking to Vruce about what has he helped us find our 'missing' mate. It took hours and hours to find out she is living with a close friend of Bruce. The kid Jade talked and talked on about. The kid Jade praises.
Little Katherine, that's what she called her. We never saw a picture of her though. I wished we saw a picture of her sooner. She is adorable, hot, sexy do I need to go on.
After Alfred made us sleep we awaken up an hour or two and left before Alfred could see us leave and make us sleep any longer.
After driving for a good 45 minutes we pull up to Jades house. Both of us happy. I cant wait to see her. To hold her. To kiss her. To do other things.
We pull up and got out as fast as we could. "Make sure the door is locked" j yelled out as I speed walk up the stairs.
"Already ahead of you" he said.
We rushed up the stairs and knocked on the door. I look over to Dick. He had a goofy smile on his face and couldn't spot moving around. He wore his favorite shirt and jeans. I was in black shirt my leather jacket and jeans.
A couple of minutes later the door open and Jade stood there happily. She wraps her arms around my body then to Dick. I look past her and started at my mate. She was frozen in one spot.
I guess she is shocked that we found her... so fast too.
"Dick, Jason what a surprise, what are you doing here?" Jade asks. Ushers us in. We walked in and took of our shoes.
"We were just in the neighborhood want to see how you were" Dick lied. "Well it was a great surprise, why are you two up so early? you boys usually sleep in until 8 or 9" she asks.
A guy walks and stood beside Katherine.
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I muffled a growl.
"Dick and Jason this is Dean and his daughter Katherine" she said. She wraps her arms around our little mate. "Dean, Katherine this is Dick and Jason"
"Nice to meet you" Dean said. He sticks out his hand. I take and shake it firmly. "Nice to meet you too" He does the same to Dick then steps back.
I look over to my mate. She was looking at me. "Nice to meet you Katherine" I said taking a step over to her with my hand sticked out towards her.
"H-hi, I'm Katherine.... but you already new that" she said. She brings her hand up to her head, before shaking my hand.
I smiled big that was adorable. Her little stutter was cute as hell. I take her small hand into mine.
My heart speed up and I felt my mark burn but it is a good burn. I smile never disappears.
I let go before it got wired. She looks away and looks over to Dick. Dick was smiling. He takes her hand and shakes it. "Its nice to meet you Katherine" he said.
Katherine POV. After shaking my second mate I stepped back and looked down at the ground.
"Dont take to heart she is just naturally shy" Aunt Jade said.
She has no idea why.
"That's ok, I thinks its cute" Jason said. I peeked a look at him. He had a smirk on his face. My cheeks are red so I look back down and hide them.
Aunt jade laughs, "you guys want a cup of coffee?"
"Yes" "Sure that would be great" "Great follow" she said. She walks to the kitchen with dad following right behind.
I look up and watched my mates. I didnt move from my spot but just stair at them.
Jason nudge Dick to follow, and he did with a grunt. I guess he didnt want to leave... and I didnt want him to leave. I blush again and look down.
Third person POV. Katherine looks back down to hide her red cheeks. Jason takes some steps and stood in front of her.
"I want believe I found you" he said out. He brings his hand up to her chine and lightly guides her head up. She looks into his eyes. Both held love, lust, desire, hope and many others. His thumb rubbed her chine, her skin was so smooth. He loved how his mate didnt put on that makeup. He didnt like when girls wore so much.
"You didnt reject me" he said. "Why would I?" Katherine asks.
He went to open his mouth but Dean called her to the kitchen. Jason sighs. But he wasnt letting her go with out getting anything out of it. Quickly he kisses her cheek before heading into the kitchen with Katherine following with red cheeks.
Katherine POV. I follow Jaosn into the kitchen and take a set beside dad. He had his cup in his hand. "Here you go kid" he said passing me a coffee mug with my favorite book name on it The Lost World. I smile and take it right away. "Were did you get this?"
"I got it off the internet" Aunt Jade said. "It was only $10 bucks, so I got it" she added on. "Its yours"
"Really, awsome thank you" I said. "No problem kiddy"
"So Dick, Jason how is the others?" "They are great, demon spawn is still a pain in the ass" Jason said.
Demon Spawn?
"Hey Damian is a good kid, yo Uhhh should stop calling him that" Aunt jade said. "Probably not going to happen" Jason said.