This is an old, none edited book, i do have an edited one though,
Name is: The Batkids Soulmate Book
Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian falls in love with their soulmates. But how is it going to work when they find out they have the same soulmate. How is...
Third person POV. "Katherine I'm home!!! Oh there you are" Jade said out. She walked into the room and saw Katherine laying on the couch with her eyes closed shut. She was asleep. The TV in the back ground played reruns of 6teen. She smiled and walked to the kitchen and ordered some pizza. She got the table set for the both of them. And waited for the food.
After 15 minutes of waiting for the food the pizza delivery guy showed up and Jade payed the guy. "Have a great night" Jade said she waved and shut the door. She walked into the kitchen with the two boxes of larger pepperoni pizza.
She places the box onto the table. She grabbed a glass put of the cabinet and placed them onto the table. She walked to the fridge and pulls out two cans of Pepsi and placed in front of glasses. She walked her way to the living room and shook Katherine awak.
"Katherine, it's dinner time. Come in honey wake up" Jade said softly. She shook the girls arm.
Jade has always wanted a girl, even though Katherine isn't very young she is still someone she could take care of. Since Katherine never really had a mom, or someone is close to that. So Jade wants to help her as much as she could. If Katherine wanted to talk about boys, she has all of attention.
"Hmmm.... I'm up" Katherine said quickly. She got up and looked around the room. Katherine was ready to fight. She was semi hard sleeper and a light sleeper. Since being a hunter you have to be prepared for anything.
"Everything is fine. It's dinner time" Jade said. Katherine groggily nodded her head and got up and followed her Aunt into the dinner room.
Katherine POV. I got up and rubbed my eyes. I follow Aunt Jade walk into the dinner room and sat at the table.
"So how was work?" I asks. "It was great. My boss wants me to come over to his mannor next week" she said. "Yeah" "Yeah. He wants to meet you" she said. "Oh... yeah"
"Yeah I sort of told him that my niece was coming to live with me... and I work a lot with my boss so... yeah.. I'm sorry" she said. "It's ok. I'm fine with it" I said. "When is it?" I asks.
"Tuesday night" she said. I nodded my head. "What do I have to wear?" "Maybe something nice.... maybe a dress, but if not it should be fine" she said. I nod my head, "ok"
"So.... you want to talk about boys?" Jade asks. I blush and shake my head, "No... no I'm, I'm good" I said out blushing. I shake my head.
She laughs. She opens the boxes, she grabs two slices of pizza and started eating. I grab a slice and started eating.
"So how long have you been working at Wanye Enterprises?" I asks. "I have worked for Bruce for 22 years. I was 22 when I got the job there. I was very young" she said. "That nice" I said out. "I bet he is a good boss" "yeah he is. And his kids are great too. Dick, Jason, Tim and Damain" she said.
Wait so Dick and Jason are Bruce Wayne sons?
"So.... are they like his kids or..." "There all adopted except Damain. Dicks parents died when he was young. Then Jason... I really don't know what happen there, same goes for Tim. But Damain mom dropped him off at his mannor when he was 10" she said. "Oh... wow. So Bruce just adopted them?" "Yeah" "He seems very nice" I said out.
Small time skip. After eating and cleaning up we went and got ready for bed.
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I walk out of the bathroom and down the hallway to the room I'm staying in.
Third person POV. Katherine mind was going crazy about her mates. She wanted them close to her. She didn't want them to leave. She wanted them close to her. She walked into her semi room and sat on the bed. She grabs her phone and looked at the time. 8:45 P.M.
Katherine POV. I place my phone onto my counter and sit down on my bed again. I was semi tired and semi not. My mind was still going crazy with the thoughts of my mates. I felt empty with out them close to me. I couldn't stop thinking about Dicks hand down my panties and how Jason kisses my neck. Their hands touching my body. I couldn't wait to see them again.
-------- Hope you like it. Sorry for bad grammar or spelling errors. Sorry for short chapter
Also. I was thinking about making a Descendants 1, 2 and 3 one shots. Please request any ideas. Send me a message. 😀