Chapter 10 Damian

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Chapter 10

Third person POV.
Katherine and Jade walked into Gotham Academy. "This is a big school" she whispered out to her Aunt. Jade laughs and nodded her head. "Yeah it is"

A lady walked out the building and down the many steps that they still have to walk. "Miss Anderson and Miss Singer?" She asks.

Jade walked up and past her niece to the lady. "Yes that is us" she said. She shook the ladys hand. "I am Miss Henderson I work for the school" she said.

"You must be Katherine Singer" the lady said to Katherine. Katherine nodded her head, "Yeah that's me" she mumbled out.

The lady looked Katherine up and down. Miss Henderson didn't like how she looked. She didnt like the lip ring or her ear rings. She didn't like the way she dressed. "Hmmm... follow me"

Katherine POV.
I could literally feel her gaze on me. Clearly she didn't like me. She didn't like how I dressed or anything of me. I didn't know why, and I really don't care.

Aunt Jade and I followed her into the school to an office with supplies for the uniforms.

"So this school has there rules. Don't be late 3 times in a row. Make sure your locker clean at all times. Don't fight anyone. You have to wear the uniform all the time except P.E., and that is a shirt and not to short shorts" Miss Henderson said. "There is many more in the handbook I'm going to give before you leave" she added on.

"Ok go stand on here and we can get you measured for your uniforms" she said. "Oh about lip rings, can she have her lip ring on?" Aunt Jade asks. "There is no rule for it. Only if it is like big rings on your face" she said dryly.

Clearly she wished they were band from the school. Luckily I don't need to take it off. I like my lip ring.

Small time skip. Sorry.
"You can look around the school for a couple minutes as me and your Aunt finishes the papers" Miss Henderson said. I nod my head and leave the office. That was so boring.

I walk down the long hallways, that are empty of people. I think. This place is so big. How am I going to remember were everything is?
This school is very different then the others I went to. For starter I never went to a school that recalled a uniform. Ok maybe once for a hunt but I can't fully remember it... I think. My head got hurt that day.

Third person POV.
Katherine walked down the hallways and up stairs of Gotham Academy. She was looking at all the pitchers on the wall. She didn't realized that she was scratching her little black kitten soulmark.

 She didn't realized that she was scratching her little black kitten soulmark

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2 minutes ago.
Damain walked out of his English Class. He had left a importen book in his desk that he had to get it. He was very annoyed of himself forgetting it at the school. He wanted to get back home and train. But now he has waist the time getting the damn book.

He open the book and started reading it. As he walk down the hallway to the entrance, but he still had to go down a couple floors before getting out. But he kept his eyes down casted to the book in hand. He slowly walked down the hallway. His arm was itchy. His soulmark was itchy.

Damain Wayne the kid of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul. The kid who was trained to kill to have no mercy for anyone. His mother never taught him about love. Love is weakness, it makes you weak. His mother told him only that it was bad, to never love someone. She said that her soulmate will never love him and that he doesn't deserves to have a soulmate. And he believed her.

But when Alfred saw his soulmark he was excited, happy, thrilled to know he had a soulmark that's means he has a soulmate. Someone who is going to take care of him, to love him. He needs it the most. Alfred spoke to him about it with out Bruce knowing. Damain stopped him at first. Damain told him about his mother and what he believed. Well that was before Alfred to home the truth.

Alfred told him the truth, and only the truth. The full truth. He told him about how soulmates work. He told him that the marks itch before it burns. The itch means your close to your mate and when it burns it means their right there. He told him that they could reject him or accept him. He told him that he can fight for the bond to be connect. He told them that if they accept him, his mate will love and care for him, forever. He told him how it feels to be near your mate, the feeling of happiness, love, desire, lust and many more emotions. Your mate is your world now. They mean the most to you then anyone else.

And Damain actually listen to him. It took him along time to finally agree about it. Damain used to feel hate at his mark, his soulmate. Now he actually feels happy. He feels hope. He wants his soulmate, more then he leads on. He never told anyone else about his soulmark, he keeps it hidden. His father hasn't even found it. Only Alfred new.

He wants to be able to hold and kiss his mate. He wants to protect his mate. He wants do everything for his mate. He would love his mate for the rest of his life. He has been waiting and searching for his mate. He couldn't wait for the day when he would met his mate.

Alfred helped him out a lot and he is very thankful for it... even though he will never tell him. But he is. It helps keep him calm at times. He would sit down and think about what he would do for his mate. He would buy them anything they want. He would do anything for them, if his mate asked him to kill someone he would. He wouldn't care, it's for his mate.

Knowing that his mark was itchy he looked around him. His eyes scanned the hallway behind him. No one. He looked ahead of him and a female walked down the hallway looking at the walls.

His heart started to speed up as he felt his mark burn. His eyes went wide. His soulmark is burning.

Hope you like it.
Sorry for bad grammar or spelling errors.
Request any one shots. This is what I write for.
DC, Marvel, Harry Potter, Twilight, Descendants, Gossip Girl, Riverdale, Supernatural, The Host Cub, Blue Exorcist, The vampire Diaries, Pretty little Liars, Trollhunters, 3 below, Gravity falls, Voltron, Venom, Night at the museum, The hobbit.

X-men, The Avengers, Guardians Of The Galaxy, Dare Devil, Jessica Jones, Ultimate Spiderman, Doctor Strange.
Batman, Superman, Young Justices, Teen Titans.

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I write x readers. Female x readers. Male x reader.

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