-SmokingGreaser- asked:
Q: Holy sh.. DEM LEGS- ahem, kanny~ vwhat are your thoughts on me?
A: well, y9u're an alright tr9ll, quite triggering s9metimes th9ugh. hmh, what else? 9h. y9u're messy, irresp9nsi6le, a bit uh, seductive, 6ut this are just my th9ughts, y9ur matesprit might think differently 9r even y9ur m9irail, 9h! I f9rg9t t9 menti9n y9u're quite attractive.
TW: and cr9nus c9uld y9u st9p checking me 9ut. we 69th have matesprits 9r i will kick y9u where it hurts! #Use9fVi9lence
♋️ Ask Kankri Vantas ♋️
Randomthere we g9. it's d9ne, uh, 6ef9re y9u leave a questi9n, tag y9ur triggers! ((Nah lies, just ask him anything, from triggering to not.)) that is s9 unacceptable, 6ut wh9 am i t9 prevent such acti9n fr9m s9me tr9ll 9r human. Anyways, ask away!!