-NepetaLeijon- asked:
Q: :33< What's your thoughts on Meulin? And what's your thoughts on me? ((AND ME!!!))
A: well, nepeta as i have heard fr9m karkat, y9u're.. 9ptimistic, ad9ra6le, nice, sweet, kind hearted.. uh.. that's what i have heard fr9m karkat, i h9pe i didn't trigger y9u with any 9f this!
and well, Meulin.. she's quite.. agh.. h9w sh9uld i put this.. l9ud, cheerful, her
♋️ Ask Kankri Vantas ♋️
Randomthere we g9. it's d9ne, uh, 6ef9re y9u leave a questi9n, tag y9ur triggers! ((Nah lies, just ask him anything, from triggering to not.)) that is s9 unacceptable, 6ut wh9 am i t9 prevent such acti9n fr9m s9me tr9ll 9r human. Anyways, ask away!!