G4LL0WS_C4LL1BR4T0R asked:
Q: 1s Kankr1 stuck 1n sweat3r t0wn? PSST. 1 l0v3 ¥0u, 3v3n th0ugh 1f ¥0u f1nd th1s tr1gg3r1ng. -Isecha
A: i 6elieve kurl9z w9uldn't like the idea 9f y9u l9ving me, n9t t9 menti9n h9w seri9usly triggering that was, i w9uld like f9r y9u t9 take time and think h9w w9uld y9u feel if s9me9ne y9u d9n't kn9w 9r even care f9r came t9 y9u and said that exact; "i l9ve y9u", y9u just t9ld me. Also, n9, i g9 t9 sweater t9wn when i am thinking a69ut things, c9mplicati9ns.
♋️ Ask Kankri Vantas ♋️
De Todothere we g9. it's d9ne, uh, 6ef9re y9u leave a questi9n, tag y9ur triggers! ((Nah lies, just ask him anything, from triggering to not.)) that is s9 unacceptable, 6ut wh9 am i t9 prevent such acti9n fr9m s9me tr9ll 9r human. Anyways, ask away!!