Aaron_Carnage asked:
Q: what happened to your celibacy vow?
A: I kn9w h9w much 9f y9u are may6e w9ndering, 9r assuming s9me things that have n9t taken place, 9r will ever take place. Alright, s9me tr9ll (n9t stating name 6ecause i d9 n9t wish t9 trigger him/her int9 feeling 9ffended 9r 6ashed 9n, and i w9uldn't like f9r s9me9ne else t9 criticize him/her f9r the matter) said that i was f9rced int9 l9sing my celi6acy, let me explain; i was n9t f9rced, i made the decisi9n myself, sure i wanted t9 keep my 69dy healthy (and disease free, i kn9w h9w pailing can cause diseases, and h9w the infecti9ns get triggered t9 happen, if y9u wish t9 kn9w a69ut this just ask) 6ut a tr9ll's 69dy has cravings, and 9f c9urse we tr9lls get heat cycles t9 reduce 9ur stress, if we d9n't pail 9ne part 9f 9ur 69dies may give up, that is the n99k. A different reas9n 9f this matter, we have t9 pail f9r the imperial dr9nes, they are the 9nes wh9 c9llect 6uckets full 9f a tr9ll's genetic material, 9r c9uples that share a red/6lack quadrant. The imperial dr9nes c9llect the 6uckets and gives them t9 m9ther gru6, wh9m gives 6irth t9 the gru6s that are pr9duced 6y the genetic material given t9 her and if we d9n't hand the imperial dr9nes a 6ucket, we'll get 6rutally murdered, or 6eaten. Anyways, i h9pe this reas9ns cleared h9w i wasn't f9rced 9nt9 l9sing my celi6acy, i ch9se s9 f9r all that i menti9ned 9n the a69ve.
♋️ Ask Kankri Vantas ♋️
De Todothere we g9. it's d9ne, uh, 6ef9re y9u leave a questi9n, tag y9ur triggers! ((Nah lies, just ask him anything, from triggering to not.)) that is s9 unacceptable, 6ut wh9 am i t9 prevent such acti9n fr9m s9me tr9ll 9r human. Anyways, ask away!!