Awesomeorangehater asked:
Q: Hey, Kankri, do you know of the holiday Halloween? If so its time to get spooky! What are you going to do for Halloween. Spooky Time!
A: hall9ween, huh? i think i have heard 9f it, yes. and well, may6e just dress up as.. "the devil" 6ecause it seems pr9per en9ugh? plus, eridan amp9ra t9ld me it suits s9me9ne like me.. s9 i w9uld think a69ut it. 9ther side 9f n9te, i think i'll cele6rate this.
♋️ Ask Kankri Vantas ♋️
Aléatoirethere we g9. it's d9ne, uh, 6ef9re y9u leave a questi9n, tag y9ur triggers! ((Nah lies, just ask him anything, from triggering to not.)) that is s9 unacceptable, 6ut wh9 am i t9 prevent such acti9n fr9m s9me tr9ll 9r human. Anyways, ask away!!