ii | 'like something's missing'

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shawn mendes
san francisco, usa

The sudden buzzing of my phone on the leather car seat next to me makes me sit up straight, the hand I'm not using to prop up my head reaching out to answer it. I know who it is before I even look.

"Hey." I mumble, my tiredness from this morning's long flight coating my voice into a rasp.

"Hey! How was the flight?" A lopsided grin forms on my face at her bright tone, cheering me up slightly. "You sound tired."

"I am." I admit, my speech turning into a yawn as I finish talking. "I haven't slept in a while, all this travelling, you know."

"It's almost done." She reminds me, "One more festival."

"I'm gonna make it my best, make sure you watch." I quip, resting my head against the car window and watching as the city of San Francisco passes by.

"I will be, like always." She replies, "I miss you."

"I miss you too, Char. Can't wait to spend longer than 24 hours with you."

"Sounds like bliss." She giggles down the phone, the sweet sound making me smile. "What are your plans for tonight?"

"Well, Bri is dragging me to this bar even though all I want to do is sleep." I throw Brian a look from next to me and he rolls his eyes. "But I'm going anyway, because I'm a good friend."

"Well, have fun. I'm gonna go for a bath now, but we'll talk in the morning?" She offers, the smile in her voice audible. "Miss you."

"Miss you too. See you." I say my goodbyes, ending the phone call. An unexplainable yet unmistakable sigh leaves my lips once my phone is back in my lap, and Brian turns to me with a questioning look.

"What was that?"

"What?" I feign innocence despite knowing what he means.

He mimics the sigh, a confused look on his face. "Why'd you make that noise?"

"I don't know..." I scratch my neck, "I guess I'm tired."

"Of Charlotte?" He speculates forwardly, leaning towards me.

"Of everything. I've just been feeling a little weird, lately." I admit, surprised at my own honesty. "Like, I don't know, like something's missing."

"Well, you'll have plenty of time to figure out what that something is once the tour is over." He points out.

"I guess you're right." I turn to him, my eyelids heavy. "This band better be fucking good, Bri. I'm exhausted."

"Well, Zubin says they are. The band are meeting us there, they already have a table." He explains, "We won't be long. A few drinks before, we'll watch them and then you can go sleep."

I pull a face at him, my tiredness wearing down my whole body.

"Cheer up, Shawn. It's live music, for god's sake. It's your thing." He encourages me, just as the car pulls into the heaving bar. There's people spilling out from every entrance, all with a drink in hand and engaged in chatter. I step out of the car, looking around.

𝐞𝐜𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐲, shawn mendesWhere stories live. Discover now