Chapter 1: Clarity Levy

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I had been training for this mission for three years, now; I was going to complete it.


I was walking with Norm Spellman, one of the two scientists I was and still am training with, then I noticed Norm was walking faster,

"Hey, you're Jake, right? Tom's brother?" he asked and introduced himself to a man in a wheel chair,

I stayed a little further behind Norm, I was incredibly shy and I knew that, I hated introducing myself to new people.

We walked into the Bio-Lab, Norm was, well, being Norm, he was talking about the avatars and where we would be connecting to them, but Jake wasn't interested in what Norm was gas-bagging about, he was interested in the three containers lined up neatly next to each other, I followed too, Norm realized where we were going and followed after me, as we got closer, I realized the three cylinder-like containers, held a body in each, they were blue, long, thin, well-built and reminded me of a cat, Jake stopped in front of one of the avatars that looked remarkably like him, I walked up to another avatar, this one was female, undoubtedly, it would be mine, she twitched and turned a bit, as if she was dreaming, she had pitch black hair growing from her scalp, her skin was a mix of light and dark blues and had dark blue stripes in an orderly fashion.

I was so engrossed in the avatar that I didn't see Jake roll up next to me,

"So, I didn't catch your name," he said,

I jumped,

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you,"

"No, no, it's okay, I've always been like this, scared that is," I said quietly, "Clarity Levy,"

I held my hand out for him to shake,

"Jake Sully," he said and shook my hand from where he sat,

"Have you had any training?" I asked,

"No," he said with a sigh,

"Well, we'll just have to teach you a few things won't we?" I said and walked over to Norm and his avatar.


I was doing my video log, which was insanely boring, I told it I was excited and couldn't wait to try it out.

Hopefully they wouldn't discover my secret, I had to be careful with what I said around here.

After I had logged it off Max Cullimore, one off the scientists here, came to tell me I would be meeting my boss soon.


Grace Augustine was my boss and that is all I know.

Max started talking, but me being me zoned out and didn't listen, a red head woman walked up to our small group, Norm, Jake, Max and me. Max started introducing us, but didn't even get to finish Jake's name because she was interrupted by the woman,

"Norm. I hear good things about you. How's your Na'vi?" she asked,

They them started speaking in Na'vi and being rude by ignoring us,

"May the all mother smile upon our first meeting," he said,

The red haired woman took a drag out of her cigarette,

"Not bad, you sound a little formal," she replied,

"There is still much to learn,"

"There wouldn't be as much to learn if you studied hard enough," I whispered quietly to myself.

"And you think you are better than Norm here?" She grumped,

"I said no such thing as my Na'vi being 'better than' Norm's Na'vi. What a rude person," I mumbled the last part to myself,

The woman scoffed,

"Uh, Grace, this is Jake S---,"he started,

"Yeah, yeah, I know who you are, but I don't need you. I need your brother," she growled,

I zoned out of their convocation and started talking to Norm in Na'vi.

The next thing I know is the woman, Grace Augustine, as I found out from Norm, was stomping down a hall, obviously, not happy.

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