I Now I Mess Up

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--- In Canterlot Castle ---

Twilight was up it was 3: 00 in the morning she couldn't go to sleep King Sombra was asleep but once he felt her try and get up he woke up. " Twilight what's wrong" King Sombra said. " I just can't sleep" Twilight said. " Come here I'll help you" King Sombra said and Twilight moved closer to him. " How are you going to make me go to sleep" Twilight asked. " Well today is your birthday so I'll find a way" King Sombra said. " Oh Sombra thank you but you don't have to" Twilight said. " Shhhh I want to now go to sleep" King Sombra said and blushed her mane. " I'm still not felling tired" Twilight said then started to close her eyes and she opened them again. " Twilight give in your tired go to sleep" King Sombra said. " No I'm not I'm fine" Twilight said then closed her eyes again and up them. " Come on go to bed" King Sombra said still blushing her mane. " Fine" Twilight said and closed her eyes this time started fall asleep. " Now when you wake up I have a couple surprises for you after all it is your birthday" King Sombra said. " Okay" Twilight said and fall asleep in King Sombra's arms." And so does Shadow Rose" King Sombra said. ' When you see the thing I get you and the things Shadow Rose get you your heart will melt' King Sombra thought. ' So her birthday is today you must be excited ' King Sombra's darkside said. ' Yes I I'm ' King Sombra said. ' Even after you and her  had a fight '  King Sombra's darkside said. ' Yes I know I mess up but she forgive me ' King Sombra said. ' Are you sure about that because all she said was that she can't stay mad at you never did she say I forgive you ' King Sombra's darkside said. ' Yes she did ' King Sombra said. ' Oh I forget she kissed you so that was the I forgive you my bad ' King Sombra's darkside said. ' It's fine ' King Sombra said. ' Good luck ' King Sombra's darkside said. ' Thanks' King Sombra said and fall asleep.

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