How Bad Is Shadow Rose's School

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--- At Shadow Rose's School ---

Shadow Rose and her classmates were going to put on a play and Shadow Rose wanted to be a princess but her classmates made her be the monster. " Only monster can dress like one" one classmate said. "  What makes you think she should be the monster" Sweetie Belle said. " Well her dad is a monster so why not" Diamond Tiara said. " My dad is not a monster he changed" Shadow Rose said. " I heard that he kidnapped Princess Twilight and forest her to marry him" Silver Spoon said. " No he didn't my dad loves my mom" Shadow Rose said. " Sure whatever you say I won't be surprise if you try to take over Equestria after all your father did" Diamond Tiara said. " Oh Diamond Tiara shut up all ya do is make everypony think they have to be friends with ya" Apple Bloom said. " At least her dad didn't take over all of Equestria" Another classmate said. " You all will pay" Shadow Rose said and her horn lit up with dark magic. " Shadow Rose no this is what they want" Sweetie Belle said.  " So what" Shadow Rose said as shadows wrapped around Diamond Tiara." Let me go you monster" Diamond Tiara said. " Hahahahaha you think after what you said to me I'm going to let you go" Shadow Rose said. " You are a monster" Silver Spoon said. " Shut up Silver Spoon or your next" Shadow Rose said. " Miss Cheerilee " A classmate said as she want to find the teacher. " Look at you Diamond Tiara so scared" Shadow Rose said. " Shadow Rose let her go this instant" Cheerilee said. " Miss Cheerilee" Shadow Rose said as the shadows around Diamond Tiara disappeared. " She is evil" Diamond Tiara said. " No I'm not" Shadow Rose said. " Shadow Rose I'm sending a letter to your parents same to you Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon" Cheerilee said and walked to her office to start writing the letters.

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