Chapter 1

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Y/n's pov
[May 15th 2013]
*y/n's birthday passed*

I'm now heading to Busan to meet my grandparents again.I missed them so muchh.

-Time skip-

"Y/n dear look how much you've grown up in just a year"my grandma said happily while planting me sweet kisses.

"Oh dear please don't annoy her she is getting older now"grandpa said and shot a smile to me.

"Hahahaha it's fine grandpa"I said wiping the pink tint my grandma left on my cheeks.

"Can i go rest please?"I asked and they all nodded.

As I was laying on my bed i started to hit myself ughh

*flashback to earlier*

While I was walking I heard some guys laughing like there is no tomorrow.

When I got closer I saw 7 guys talking and laughing so much.

'Oh they are cutee'I said to myself.

But one guy caught my eyes.Why does he look so much like him.And then I heard his name and I realized it was him.I can finally talk to him.I found him.

Before I could approach I heard one guy who was the tallest one say
"I hope we can fight them without any problems guys.And jungkook don't worry you will do great"

They all screamed happily"YES OUR MAKNAE CAN DO IT"

Fight who?

"Um hi miss are you by any chance lost"a guy with a chain asked.

"W-what no no I'm not"why did I have to stutter.Ughhh

"I want to talk with Him"i pointed my finger to the guy which i assumed it was the one I've been searching for.

Before they could answer an old guy with glasses came.

"Guys we have to leave now"he said smiling.

And they all nodded

*end of flashback*

I was left there with no clue.Fight?Does he even remember me?Did he even notice me?Actually was he even the one I'm searching for?


I got up and took a shower,got changed you know basic stuff.As i was gathering my clothes for laundry i found a small pendant with a purple heart.

I looked closely and i realized it had something written on it.

"JJK"I mubled.


I searched my pocket and saw a small note

'Wear it princess it will suit you:)'

[A/N okay this is cringe af but yeah please keep reading]

I thought it was cute.So I wore it.

3rd person's pov
She started smiling to herself while touching the pendant.Little did she know that it was a tracker to locate where she is.

On the other hand the boy she has been searching for is trying his best to protect her.He is now practising from a young age with his group to get prepared for the difficult hurdles they are going to face.

"I'm sorry Y/N"he kept saying to himself mentally.

-time skip-
[September 19th 2014]

"Hyungs I'm worried about Kookie"
Taehyung said.

"Yeah ever since he found out that Y/N has been dating he has become a monster."

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