Chapter 2

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Y/n's pov

I sat there trying to proceed what was happening.Everyone around me tried to make me speak but I still didn't understand what was happening.

I started asking myself questions.

Why did the girls take me here in the first place?

Why didn't I notice that I've met them before?

And is he really him?

"Y'N EARTH IS CALLING YOU SO COME BACK OR I'LL SLAP YOU"Yeri stated.Okay okay her slaps are painful.

"Huh?"was all i said.

"Y/N we can't  explain to you why so please don't hate us for what we are about to say to you as a small summary."Namjoon said calmly and I just nodded.

"So.."Jin said in a low tone 

I looked up and saw him standing besides Jin his eyes pierced onto me as he was about to attack his prey.

"You have to stay with us someone is after you just like us.I don't know how to say it but the guy who is after us killed all our parents.Mine,Hoseok's,Jimin's,Iseul's,Taehyung's,Yoongi's,Namjoon's Kookie's and Yours."He signed.

So our parents got killed all together on the day where it was my first time in the day care.

"The people who adopted you were the people our parents worked together and we have to protect you since you are the younger one."Taehyung stated to me.

"So as we now live together we are planning of doing a revenge on the guy even though this is dangerous."Taehyung proceeded.

"I'm in"was all I said leaving everyone shocked.

-Time skip-
"So this is your room I hope you feel comfortable and if you ever need anything I'm always here"Hoseok gave me the cutest smile in the world and I nodded.

I sat on my phone and started playing random games until I realized it already was 2am.Ugh

I got up to ask clothes but since it was pretty late everyone must have already slept.

I started searching around my room but nothing.

I went downstairs and the only one I found was... 



He was playing video games so I thought he didn't know I was there.

As I was turning my heels to go upstairs someone pulled my wrists and dragged me in a dark room.

"W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING"I screamed on top of lungs.I swear I'm about to pee my pants.

"Stop screaming!"He whispered screamed.

I was suddenly pushed on the wall and now I could feel his hot breath on my neck.

"I missed you"I heard him sobbing.

My heart was shattered into pieces.He missed me?So he really is?


"Yes"He now rested his chin on the crook of neck.I could feel his tears dropping nonstop on my t-shirt.

"Are you really Jungkook?"

"What makes you think that I'm not raspberry?"

I could now feel me blush hard.He used to call me raspberry because I love eating them.

I smiled like an idiot and hugged him.He is so tall I could barely reach him.

"Please don't get involved with the revenge.It's dangerous."Now his voice turned into a low tone that made me scared but I will still help with the revenge.

"Let's not talk about this now please"

"Whatever you want my rasberry"and he now pulled me into the air and laid me on a bed.

We cuddled all night together and talking about how school life sucks.

3rd person's pov

As Y/n had now closed her eyes and Jungkook has been staring at her the whole time.

She doesn't know what their parents did.He didn't want her to get involved into the dark world.No their parents weren't the bad people in fact they were the ones that saved souls from the bad side.

He just didn't want her to get hurt by any chance just as their parents did.He wanted to give her the world.A better place.She deserved it.

He kissed her forehead and whispered

 "I love you"

Little did the boy in love know the girl he was hugging heard him.

Y/n' pov
[2 days later]
For the past 2 days nothing has really happened.

I haven't gone to school which kind of worried me since I want to become a doctor.

Everything is normal except for one thing.

Yes I'm in fact very happy that I heard Jungkook confess his feelings to me but he doesn't know I heard him.

He has now become so clingy to me I'm about to stab him.

I tried ignoring him,pushing him away but nothing really worked.


Here we are now having a pool time with everyone.

I wore a black bikini which was kind of revealing but whatever it's a bikini.

As I was about to go outside we see Jungkook looking at me as he was about to curse at me or something.

This is not good.

He took my hand and pushed me into the bathroom.

"Where are you going like this?"

"W-what do you mean?"Omg why do I stutter with everyone ughhh

"I don't want hyungs to see you like that"He started to check me out.

Is he being protective over me?

"Jungkook we are not dating and I don't like you so stop worrying about what I wear and being clingy to me!"I screamed and left.

I think i did something very wrong and it's my fault.

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